Monday, November 5, 2012

Hi friends,

Here is what Kate learned at church on Sunday. Lol. She takes her spiritual learning VERY serious. She is such a goof ball.


Today I had an appointment with Kristopher. It was supposed to be about other things but somehow it ended up being just what I needed it to be.

Me talking. Him listening and supporting.

I told him about my beautiful boy, Rhett's, academic struggles. And that I was suffering over it. I told him the Dr. said several times what a good diesel mechanic he could be because he can see things in his mind and put them into action (That is why he is good at story problems). Kristopher told me he knows a diesel mechanic. And he has someone do all his book work for him. And he makes over 100 grand a year..... Alrighty then. I can deal with that.

I told him about all the ADHD we were struggling with in our family. I told him him it was kicking my butt. That once upon a time I was a pretty decent mother. And butt is kicked. He told me something to the affect of, ADHD can be one of the very hardest things to deal with out of the disorders. He said it more eloquently than that but it resonated in my soul and rang validation to me. Validation is a powerful gift I have learned. Sometimes validation is all that can be given and so very is enough. It is enough.

I told him about how hard it is to deal with a very very busy and demanding 4 year old.

She told me the other day..."Mom! Get me my fricken water!" Uh....let me think about that for a second. H-E-double hockey sticks...NO!

 He said I need HELP! Again...validation. He suggested signing her up for a dance class. Or an art class. To give me more help and wear her out. I loved the idea. I am always trying to be frugal. Okay not always. But in this case I have been. But maybe it is okay to spend a little on her to do an activity. Maybe the price of my sanity is dang worth it. I know she has preschool. And that has been a great thing. But there are a lot of hours when she is not in preschool. And she is bored and bossy and wants her fricken water when she wants it, gosh darnnit!!

Kristopher asked about Zane and when I was getting my tarantula. He asked how my girl friends were.

He just asked and I talked. And wept a little and he listened. And sometimes that's all you need.

I told him how I had been feeling a bit out of control lately. like I might go back to my old eating ways. He said that didn't surprise him. That when people are nearing the end of therapy they will sometimes dip a little in their progress. But then they will get back up there again. He said I have relied a long time on some of those bad habits/addictive behaviors and I guess it just isn't going to be cured over night.

 Did you read the part about nearing the end of therapy? It is true. I can feel it. It is good and it hurts. Did I mention the hurt part?

Look at Kate making bread with Grandma. Priceless.

I love that little roll of dough.


Aine said...

So what craft store are you buying your owls from?

Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be helpful to have everyone's brain looked at so mothers could not only understand and better cope with kids but with husbands too. ;) You're a great mom, Susan. You're doing fantastic.

Kristy said...

I love you Susan. You are the best.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...