Sunday, April 28, 2013

popcorn is good. And low cal.

When Kristopher suggested it would be healthy for me to get a job I kicked and scream. And rolled on the floor a bit, knashing my teeth.


I couldn't work!

But guess what? I like it. It's healthy for me. I have gained some confidence in learning new and scary things. I have made friends at the boot store. Most of the customers are nice to me and seem to like me okay. My co-workers really mean a lot to me in ways they couldn't understand and I would never tell them. I have seen my fears grow into accomplishments. I have cool new shoes.

For ME, staying at home was extraordinarily important. And I did it for 18 years. And I hope I don't give my little kids the shaft, but for my own life vitality, it is time for me to get some different things going in my life, along with mothering.

Working has been good for me. I am not gone very much. And when I am gone the kids are mostly with dad or grandparents. Last week, Kate and my mom went to the zoo!
I love these pictures of Kate brushing the goats. SO SO MUCH LOVE!!!!!

Like isn't that the happiest little goat brusher alive? Kills me. Thanks mom!

Last week Kate and Grandpa Dale went and fed the ducks! BY. THE. FLOWING. WATER...That gives me a panic attack. She is still talking about that day!

I have been learning to have some fun just for me. I am learning to not feel guilty about it.

Justine and I went to dinner and a movie last night. I have an amusement park chaperone trip planned with Nathan and Kassidy, I have a trip to Utah planned with Rhett and Bo and my parents for a reunion, the girls and I have our GLORIOUS trip to California planned, Justine and I are coaching t-ball again....we are the Crocodile Hunters! (I miss you still, Steve!)

And... I am enrolled in online school in the fall. My major is still unclear to me. I read over ALL the choices and only one or two stand out to me. One makes zero money. So I just don't know what to do yet.

It is a life path I didn't know was even going to be important to me.

This week my friend Linda went back to school. She has stayed at home forever. And it has been hard on her. But she has been an incredible mother. She really felt like she should go back to school.

It has been so fun seeing her this week. Doing this for herself has brought her back to life and has given her energy and EXCITEMENT. It's been so exciting to watch. I love her so much and am so happy for her.

She came to visit me at the boot store. She had a new ward robe and she looked so cute and collegy I just had to take her picture.

Why are teenage and preteenage boys so rough and loud and obnoxious and stinky? "Why won't anyone wrestle with me?" ummm...Idk!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...