Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Figures. Just figures.

You are just never going to believe the sadness that happened today.

So Rhett and I are super excited to go in and get our 4 scoop cone. We have talked about it for more than a month.

I attempted to confirm that they are still a dollar a scoop even if I get four scoops.


Dollar. scoop. ended. last. week.


Fo reals!

Why oh why did we not get our four scoops last week. MAJOR BUMMER.

BUT....I had promised my  kid.

We had planned for it.

We had promised with a handshake that we were going to try different flavors.

It was a big ordeal.

So...why yes, thank you very much, on a very tight budget, I did indeed, spend 18 dollars (Camy, close your eyes!) on ice cream.


But he won't forget it those four scoops. ever. And I don't regret it. I had made a promise and I wasn't backing down.

Justine just happened to be tagging along. She got one little scoop (thankfully). And she barely finished it. I am happy for her. She doesn't care about food in an unhealthy way.

So yesterday was massive wind that blew our fence down.

Today is massive snow that warranted a family trip to the hot tub.

Tomorrow will probably be hot. The weather here is hilarious to me. People get all riled up about it and I think it is just fun.

Kristopher group day today. It is astonishing how quickly I have grown to love those girls in my group. Like I have known them forever. Hugs and I love yous every time we leave each other. I am grateful to be able to go.

OH!!! And.....TODAY at therapy Bo got to climb the rock wall again. AND HE RANG THE BELL!!!! (When you reach the top there is a bell) Lol. He got up there and started ringing it over and over and we couldn't stop him because...you know...he was at the top! Funny.

It was so great. He worked through his fear. He told Nicolas when he was down that he was scared to go to the top but he did it anyway. So amazing.


Today I looked at Kate as she sat nicely in her chair and watched Bo rock climb...

Maybe life is going to be okay after all. Maybe I am going to survive without needing a lobotomy. She sat there so peacefully and happy and so well behaved. And then later in the car I told her how cute she looked in her new hand me down pants. She said "And you look cute in your shirt!" Ha ha. She is growing up. And I just might survive. (look how long her hair is getting! Often she tells me with total disgust, "Why did you let them cut my hair like a boy!!!???" I remind her why and I think she has finally quit cutting her hair!

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