Saturday, April 13, 2013

Whale Watching is us!

Justine! So proud of her!

The girls, my mom, and I are headed to California in the summer. We each have been saving our own money and we are so excited for this girl's trip. We have never done anything of the sort before. We CANNOT wait. Not to mention....

a little of these boys just might be involved.

The girl's awesomely cool Aunt Wendy scored them tickets for the concert. They are the envy of the town over that.

So we have been discussing what we are going to do on our trip. I said that we just had to go whale watching. We have never had that sort of an adventure before.

Justine....who is TERRIFIED of sharks... (these sharks just never get old)

ABSOULTELY REFUSED to even talk about going. She truly would turn pale and have PURE anxiety. Completely irrational. But I understand anxiety. My mom also ABSOLUTELY REFUSED to even talk about going. They both would have major freak outs thinking about it. baby girl told me she was thinking she was going to do it.


And so proud.

It is VERY monumental to face your fears. You just have to do it. "You know who" taught me that. "You know who" is going sky diving for his birthday this year JUST because he is terrified of it. Facing his fears.

Facing your fears gives you power and confidence and knowledge and skills and growth and life experience!

I know this now because I was so terrified of going to work at the boot store. So out of my comfort zone. I would have to tell myself "I don't like it, that's okay, I can stand it anyway" all day just to get through it at first. And now...I am a boot selling pro. Ha ha. It was even commented on our store FB page that I was a knowledgeable gal and they had a great experience in our store! The work boys and I laughed about that! But it had been so long since I faced a fear (besides giving birth) that I had forgotten how good it is for you. Did you know when I was in college I tried out for the colt breaking class? TERRIFING for this city girl!


Justine told me that after she listened to a church conference talk on fear being the opposite of God, she decided she wanted to do it.

We will see. I will not be too hard on her if she wannies out. She is truly petrified. But I am proud she even collected her thoughts enough to look at it more rationally and consider it. I told her we needed to start working on her thoughts. Telling herself "I can stand it" when she thinks about those sharks!

So excited!!!!!!

Now we have to work on my mom!!!!!! Mom, you can do it!

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