Saturday, April 6, 2013

Official news!

Well, it's official. Okay, not official official but official in my mind official and almost official.

With Kristopher's encouragement (ahem, he told me it would be the DUMBEST thing I could do all millennium if I didn't seize this opportunity) I decided to go back to school. (My BFF also is enrolled. I am so excited and proud of her!!!!!)

I haven't always had that burning desire.

But he has been helped me see and  come to terms with going back to school and someday likely becoming a working mom. Last thing I ever thought I would do or want to do. But life changes. And needs change. And the economy changes. And gas prices change. And honestly I am changing. And I want to keep on challenging myself.

I have been in complete distrautness because ALL I wanted to do was be a mom. And it has been so weirdly painful to think about going back to school and possibly work.

I am not thinking about how much I will grow...

I am thinking about the times I will be distracted from my kids. And that really hurts.

However, I am convinced it has to be. So, I am starting with online school. I can get a whole bachelors degree that way. And I think that is a pretty smart idea. I am grateful for that plan. I think it will be great to have something to do with my brain. I know if I get at all bored I start stewing about stuff.

Did you know when I was a girl, my nickname was "Stew"? I loved it.

I have been in great debate about what to be when I grow up. If I could do anything I would be an RN. But from the looking into I have done I believe it is just not the best option for me. So the next thing that interests me is social work. Maybe working with adoptions or teenagers. I love adoption and I really think teenagers get a bad rap. So, I think I'll just head in those directions and see where it leads.

When I was looking back at my college transcripts, I took the most unproductive classes. I got an A+ in horse pack and outfitting. I did find it interesting that I also got an A in Juvenile Delinquency. I remember that being a super easy class though.

Last night Kassidy told me that her boss learned she wants to go on a mission. A mission costs 400 dollars a month that is paid for by the missionary and their family.

We will do anything to get her there but of course money is a bit stressful for our family size. But our Bishop told me what a blessing it will be to pay for as much of it as we can.

Kassidy's boss told her he would work her full time over the summer (blessing number one) and that he (blessing number two) wanted to give a hundred a month to help her on her mission. He told her he loved her like a daughter (blessing number three). And his darling son gave Kassidy some advice on going on a mission and got her revved up and helped calm some of her concerns (blessing number four).

God is in the details.

Maybe I shouldn't share that about her boss. But I want everyone to support his business. He is the nicest, truest man.

We got to babysit our friend's chickens for the weekend. Kate is super into them. It has been fun. They are so darling.

Kate really loves animals. She can go out and water the bunnies all by herself. I look out the window sometimes and see her with the bucket of food just feeding away. It will work out great because when Justine leaves for college, Kate can take over and Justine will get to keep her bunnies. Justine is excited this year to do meat rabbits in the 4-h fair. That is a first for around here!

I think Bo is so cute with his legs crossed and his church shoes on. Ha ha.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...