Tuesday, April 16, 2013

this and that. and this.

I took Rhett to our after basketball practice night Baskin Robbins treat. He has decided orange sherbet is his new favorite.

On the way home we listened to the music loud. The rule is you have to dance or sing. He sang. He is pretty cool that way. I danced.

We were PRETTY excited that Baskin Robbins had a nice little surprise for us.

A NEW DOOR HANDLE SHAPED LIKE A BASKIN ROBBINS SPOON!!!!! It was the greatest thing ever of all the great things that don't matter that much.

Today I was so happy to get to see Bo rock climb for his first time ever during his therapy. He is a CLIMBER! It is actually a sign of kids with sensory integration issues. Apparently they need that sensory rush.

He did so awesome. It was his first time. He didn't make it to the top. I was really surprised when he tearfully said he wanted down. I didn't think he had any fear in him while climbing. But he still did awesome. He is a little sweetie pie.

He keeps making up his own reward charts and then checking them off (in a matter of five minutes) and then telling me I owe him five dollars for accomplishing his chart. And he means it! I owe him! Little rascal.

I love his therapist Nicolas. So sweet and gentle. It is hard not to really love these people who are so kind to your kids.



Have I mentioned lately how much I like my boss and coworkers? They are really kind men. And fun. I'm happy there. I have struggled with those terribly long days. Because of other reasons we had to rearrange the schedule and now my days won't be so long. I am glad.  And seriously...I own cool shoes. It's just the way it has to be when you work at a shoe store. I have no control over it.

I'm not going to lie. Do I ever? :) I am struggling a bit. With food. I learned today that it had been numbing me all this time. That is why things have seemed sadder for me since I gave up food. I am feeling all my feelings instead of numbing them away. Tonight though, I am numbing them away. Like an alcoholic would. The thing I am sort of learning is I think now that I know it's powers it doesn't work very well anymore.It has lost a lot of it's magic. Because I know it just causes me more trouble in the end. And I am disappointed in myself. Kristopher's plan is to teach people to feel their feelings and to stand it. I asked what if I couldn't stand it. He said if I was alive I was standing it.

*crickets*.....That's helpful. Thanks.

Today I went looking for some fabric at the craft store. I was super disappointed to see a million darling owls. I have to quit loving them now. There are too many to collect. And I am annoyed that they are so popular. Blah.

On a happy little retail therapy note...I saw a lady who put coordinating fabric on the back of all her quiet book pages. So now I have an excuse to buy darling, coordinating fabric. Night.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...