Sunday, January 10, 2010

Appreciation for husband Sunday, the 2nd

Corey came home from work Friday evening, we had a "discussion" on something, and I was agitated at him. I was working upstairs and when I came down the stairs, into the kitchen, I was shocked beyond belief when I caught him doing this!

He told me, "Darn!"

"I was trying to get this done before you saw!"

For a very long time now, the burners on our oven worked selectively, when they felt like it. Super ANNOYING! You could have a pan of water to boil, sitting their forever, before you would remember, "Shoot, the burner isn't working!" Drove me almost mad! Then you would have to jiggle the burner and SOMETIMES, if it felt like it, it would work, or...not. We weren't quite sure what the problem even was, (although now looking back it seems obvious), because of other oven electrical issues and, because we had just never taken the time to deal with it. Raising kids and hiking the States tallest mountain, had frankly, just taken precedence. So it was a joy to my eyes to see my man fixing the oven! Look, it was melting!

And even better, he apologized for the reason we were having the "discussion"! I knew I was right!

I love manly men who can fix things, and haul things, and chop things, and hike things, and provide meat! Here are some pictures of Corey (and Kassidy) probably 10 years ago, right after hunting season, thus the beard. Fun.

1 comment:

kirstensblog said...

Me too! I totally do! You and I are so alike. I love your appreciation blog. It is inspiring and brings the spirit. It is a good thing.

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