Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Who is that girl?

My mom

Isn't she elegant looking?

I NEVER have been elegant looking in my ENTIRE life!

I love her with the cat. We always had a cat growing up. I really do like a good cat. (Not the one we have now, refer to past post-"our cat is a jerk!") I just think the black cat with her dark hair looks so beautiful. I always thought my dark hair came from my Armenian side. (My paper chain friend says I am a gypsy! Imagine that! I am going to have to research that a bit. I think that sounds exciting! I like it! She says that is why our cat doesn't like me.......hhmmm) But my mom has pretty dark hair in this picture so maybe it comes from her as well as my dad's Armenian side.

I am amazed by these pictures. It is funny how you never think your parents were "people" before you came along. Who is this sassy, interesting gal? My mind can't wrap around her.

My children certainly don't think I ever had a life before them. All I ever was, was their mother, old boring mother! I am actually very okay with that. I like it. I like them thinking I was always, only, all,... theirs.

Someday they may find the following pictures and wonder, who was that girl?

Sometimes I am wondering that!

And remember, no matter where you go, there you are. ~Confucius

I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am. ~Sylvia Plath


Terri Porter said...

What fun pictures.....I love them. You and your mother are both beautiful. No wonder your kids are so darn cute. (Don't let Corey take ANY credit). LOL

kirstensblog said...

I think you and your mother are absolutely beautiful. Absolutely beautiful! I especially love your picture holding the dog and the one next to the waterfall. The eighties are great, aren't they? Glowing countenance. You could be in magazines. What are you talking about,"I have never been elegant." Bah
Random fact, I wish my kids were as quiet today as they were yesterday when they were sick. I can barely write this! I think it was quite a nice and quiet vacation. Now I am barking,"stop that!" "NO whining!" "time out!" and this within twenty minutes. Now I am thinking that having all of my kids in school must be heavenly respite, and that although I am in limbo to enjoy my children each precious second as it ticks by, I am also pulled at the thought of rest in the form of public education.

kirstensblog said...

Amanda Peet! That is who it is. You look like her. Look her up.

kirstensblog said...


Janetlee said...

I agree. Amanda Peet. You are beautiful! And whether you believe it or not, you are just as beautiful today. I think what I love about you the most is that you try so hard. Your heart is overflowing with pure intent. I love you Susan!

Susan said...

Thanks for the kind words! It's hard to believe I ever looked like that. I tried to comment on your blog but still can't . You are a beautiful girl and woman! LOL

From Mom

Linda said...

You and your mom are both beautiful with your gypsy-not-really-gypsy hair! I can't wait for the day when I get to the other side when I can feel again what it was to be one of those girls, before I was only ever my kids' old mom. Thanks for sharing!

Tracy said...

Cute pictures! I'm testing to see if I can post to your blog now.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...