Friday, January 8, 2010

Is this scarey to anyone else or is it just me?

I swear it freaks me out a little. She looks like she is from "The Omen" or something. (not that I have seen it...with my anxiety level? Are you crazy?) But that is a scary little look!

For a long time now, though, our "baby" can make a mean face at you. And I mean she gives you the skunk eye! You tell her, "make the mean face", and she automatically does it. Of course, the older siblings taught her. This last month, after she makes the mean face, she breaks out into a huge adorable smile and laughs like she is now in on the joke with us. Love it.

You have to be fast to catch a picture of the mean face. I wasn't fast enough. It always starts with her head way down staring up at you. You can hardly see her eyes.

She is a mad woman. Today I peeked in at her to see why, after an hour, she still hasn't taken her nap. This is what I see...Clothes off, sheets off, the bazillion blankets and stuffed animals she loves out of the crib, hair undone and hanging all around, like the mad woman, wild child she she is!
Does anyone else see it?.....

Not that I am a Tom Cruise fan, (don't get me wrong, he's fine, but he's not up there with my Glenny or the Dog), but does anyone else see a resemblance to Suri here? Around the eyes?....The hair color?

Tell me you know who Suri is? Am I the only one who reads the People magazine? Don't answer that. It is my moms subscription. Shamefully, I could definitely win a game of Trivial Pursuit regarding all things Hollywood. It is much to my abhorrence, though.
Anyway, google Suri.

Now the following story I have been hesitating to tell because I would like her to actually find a spouse someday, but I can no longer contain myself.

I think my daughter is spending way to much time with brothers!
Prepare yourselves people....

This, my folks, is sadly her ginormous outie belly button!

I have always hated outies, but when they are on your own kid, you love it. I have to pinch it. She can wear it tucked in... or out. Today it was out. When she has eaten too much, it's out. When it is in, it is super cute like a little pigs curly tail. When it is out, it is like a mini marsh mellow. Like I said when it is your own child's outie, it is not near as grody... Sorry for all that, truly.

ANYHOOO, on with the story that just may keep her single her entire

Lately, she tells me, "Potty"

Most people would be cheering, right?

Then, she takes her ginorm belly button into our new fabulous bathroom, and pushing her stomach out, holding on to the enormous outie, as if it was a little boys private part,

(I will spare my mom in law and not say the real word)...

she proceeds to "pee"!

(or as my dad would say urinate. Peas are something you eat.)...

Then she tells me, "all done", and continues on her way. She does this several times a day.

Uhhh...Do you guys think this is something she may need treatment for?


Terri Porter said...

No, but you may......

Janetlee said...

She does look like Suri! Beautiful child.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...