Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fare thee well, my sweet...

I just might literally die today.

Due to huge type 2 diabetes factors in my gene pool, and my husbands gene pool, I am giving up sugar. (and food that turns into sugar). My girls are doing this with me. We are gonna be some grumpy chics this week! I need to be weened off sugar. Like a druggie. Which I am. A sugar Druggie. Once when we had cable, I watched this show called "Intervention" (love it) and they were taking this cocaine addict to rehab. He was totally sniffing all this cocaine in the cab on the way to the rehab place. It was sad. I related to him so much. Seriously. In fact I have had sugar ALL day today.

Wish me luck. I am not looking forward to it. I don't know how one sticks to a life time of this. I am hoping to ween us down to where we don't really want it but if we have a special occasion we can have a treat and then have control the next day. Is it possible? I have my doubts but I have to try. In fact, I think I am going to work on changing the whole family's diet. It is just as well with the diabetic curse we have. I feel a desperate need to teach the kids now. Unfortunately healthy food is more expensive and with all these know. It is ALWAYS on my mind though. I think about all the processed food and sugars they are getting and how that can affect their learning etc. Anyway, say a little prayer for me.

Good bye Peanut Butter Panic Ice Cream.
Good bye Hershey Chocolate Without Nuts.

I'll be thinking about you.


Janetlee said...

Good luck Susan! I joined Weight Watchers.

Jill said...

Good luck. In case you cared, I used to be 35-ish pounds heavier, despite the fact that I worked out pretty consistently. Then I gave up sugar (well, for the most part- I just only allowed myself snacks with less than 10 grams) and I almost could not stop losing weight. It was glorious. Then I got married. Oops. But then I had a baby and nursed him, and now I may never stop breastfeeding ever because I am enjoying the weight loss benefits so very, very much. And then I wrote a novel on your blog. (Oh, yeah- I'm going to return the favor and comment on your blog now. Is that cool?) Anyway, not sure if weight loss is one of your desired results, but I'm sure it will happen.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...