Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lest my Glenny think I forgot him....

I just have to say really fast that I went to Salt Lake City to my Glenny Beck's American Revival Seminar. Do you all remember I adore him? ADORE! Luv, Luv, Luv him!

Well, about the loudly and enthusiastically can I say INCREDIBLE in print? It was INCREDIBLE! INCREDIBLE! I adored it. I can barely describe it. But I really want to for my own sake. So it might take time but be on the look out for post in the future.

Isn't he such a cutie? Yes, this is the best my sad little pathetic camera could do. And that was off a screen. I don't care. I love him. He also has the cutest glasses now, too.

I was a little disappointed to see that his wife was adorably thin and petite and cute. Why couldn't she just be a little hefty like me. Sigh. But I love her too. For sharing him with us and letting him do the work we need him to do. I just wish she was fat. Is that so bad?


Unknown said...

I had not read your blog for a few days and got the giggles again....You should really be a writter in your next phase of life...Maybe about the time you take up camping! haha

Melanie said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA hahahahahha! There's been a few times I've thought that myself... Did you know, though, that Piers Brosnan's wife is heavy? He's so gorgeous, and his wife is just an average weight gal. She must be absolutely fabulous, though... Kind of like my beautiful friend Susan...

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...