Ask me next week. For now I am on my death bed. I had no idea the hike would be so hard. It was only like 2 1/2 miles one way, and I can walk that, so what is the big deal. Apparently hiking is HUGELY, MASSIVELY, MONSTROUSLY, GINORMOUSLY, different. And I was slowing the rest of our group down every 15 steps because I was dying. And that was embarrassing. Especially because my mother in law was kicking my can during the whole hike. And my sister in law, who had a cortisone shot in her foot for arthritis two days ago, was kicking my can too.. All the way up and back. Kick Kick Kick.
I thought up was hard, down was hard in a whole different dynamic. I would have quit on the way up but I just can't not finish a challenge. So during my hardest moments when I was going to cry, (truly, and just as Corey predicted, because it has happened before) I plugged in my MP3 player and my friends Celine, Jewell, and Rob helped me through it.
Also, I had this sweetie pie boy, who I am trying to raise as a gentlemen in every sense possible, sticking by me, holding my hand, pulling me, literally pushing me a few times, helping me, encouraging me, eating lunch with me, etc... and I wasn't going to let him down, that is for sure!
My main desire was to stand under the water fall, that we have video of Corey doing last year. I really wanted to do that. Apparently it is freezing and pelts you with hard water drops. Of course I had to experience that. While I don't love the mountains, I do love the water aspect of it. ( don't get me started on the water fountain I want from a local store in our town. It is to die for. It is like a large blue ceramic barrel type thing, and the water just dribbles out the top and down the sides. It is so cool. And peaceful. I love water. But of course, not anything deep or swift. )
Why are there no pictures of ME under the water fall when Corey had me stand under it TWICE to get a good shot???? I don't know. Ugh. But he did get a video, but I can't decide if I dare share it. It is a tad jiggly in spots. Okay, I will. But to all my high school friends, and people who haven't see me in a while, Please refer to my post "I'm fat get over it" Link . (Look, I made a link! WAHOO! Thanks, Texas Blu! It was easy!)
It really felt like I was way under the water fall. Disappointing. I really was getting pelted. It also felt like you were standing under there for a very long time.
Okay, anyways, stood under the water fall. Screamed my head off and got brain freeze from the outside in. But I did it, and I showed up that other cute little mom that was by us. She could hike better, but would not stand under the water fall. So I redeemed my self.
On the way down my knees where dying and I was getting so mad again so I had to put on music. The rest of our group was long gone but Corey stayed with me. He got me into this mess, he's getting me out! Finally I said I have to listen to my music to get me moving more. He made a joke about listening to "America". The best "get you butt moving" song ever. So I plugged in my ear phones and skipped the first song and randomly, "America" comes on by the astonishing, fabulous, Glenn Beck of music... Neil Diamond. LOVE him. Have danced with many a baby, in the kitchen to him. So "America" put a little pep in my step and I was shouting down the hill to Corey about how amazing it was that "America" just came on after we talked about it. He, of course, was his usual super impressed self. Ppppff.
I'm so proud of you for doing it! It looks like a hard hike and thanks for sharing the pics AND the vid!
I am just so proud of you!!! I LOVE all the nature around you in these shots. The fact that you did so well without training for it (folks don't realize you really should work up to those sorts of things) is a huge credit to you! :)
And Woo-hoo for the link! Knew you could do it! :D
Kim said...GREAT job, Susan! Impressive! I also want to add, that Neil Diamond is a favorite in our home. It reminds me of my parents. All three of us love listening to his music. I have even learned a few of his songs on guitar. LOVE him! You better break out the Advil for those knees. Tomorrow they might hurt. Thanks for sharing!
Sherri said...Oh, Susan! I just love you! You make my heart lighter :) Thank you for being so real, and funny, and putting it all into words...
Stephanie N. said...susan, I am so proud of you. It looks like a gorgeous hike, where is it? You crack me up and you are very brave to document your experience. Next time take me along, the way back down hurts is more painful to me, my knees are on fire. Love you!
Mary said... so Proud of you-my family is so active too, my dumb back keeps me from doing things I would like to do- YOU DID IT!!!!!!
Nancy said...I am so proud of you for going! What a pretty place to go. Glad you made it back with out injury!
Kent said...
"You did it!!!!!" Great climb Susan. Hope the meds are calming the ache and pain. Maybe more reviews of the Wiley and Martin handcart journey would inspire you. Hummmmmm, I thought it was the relief that was the tough part to Wind Cave;; 600-700 feet vertical versus 13,00 feet distance. And did you bring any rocks back? Did Nathan or Rhett or the Climb Director notice the tremendous world-class shrimp burrows in the limestone where the trail crosses the limestone flat towards the Monument grove? Sorry I didn't take you on more hikes and campouts so you would love them. My six summers of six weeks each hiking around NV was mostly fun because of the rocks including the Ruby Mountains, NV. Going to the top of Baldy in ID was special too, especially the walk from the helicopter to the monument.
Stephanie- The hike was just Darby and to the wind cave. I bet you've gone there...
Susan said...Kim- GO NEIL!!!!
Kim said...Susan, one time while heading home from somewhere, Rachel and I were in our vehicle listening to Neil Diamond. The song "Play Me" came on. We were both silent while listening to the whole song. When it was over, we were both in tears (ye(yes, it reminds me so much of listening to him with my parents). I said, "Wow, that was quite a musical journey we just went on, huh?" Rachel agreed. We wiped away our tears. I turned the music back on and played "Cracklin' Rosie" -- we both started moving and grooving and then just laughed for a bit. It was a cool moment. Seriously, we LOVE Neil!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ... You are in good company! As if I couldn't like you more than I already do! ;)
Kim said...I meant as if I *could* like you anymore! Geez! I am all verklempt! ;)
Susan said...Nice, Kim. I really have loved him since I was about 10 and my parents had the jazz singer on in a hotel when we were on a trip. Loved him ever since. Amazing story about you and Rachel!
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