Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ohhhh the shame.........

It is just unbearable for Corey.

Due to a broken down truck, he actually had to take our kids camping in the mini van! He was horrified. And short on room. But he made it all work.

They had a great time though. I didn't go becasue...remember...I hate camping. As soon as the toddler gets a year or too older though my guilt will get to me and I will go. Plus they make it look like so much fun. Here is a rundown of what they do....

The play battle of the Tetons... which is basically trying to over throw each other on the raft... We bought this raft with Christmas money from my brothers family. It was a great investment!

They had a real life Marty Stoufer moment.... (when Corey and I were first married we would watch that show everyday. Corey loved it)....they were playing in the lake when an eagle swooped down. Corey was momentarily concerned where our youngest was because it looked as if the eagle was coming straight for them. Instead it swooped down only 50 yards away from them and caught a fish and then flew to a tree to eat it. Corey said they could even see its head turning.

See the eagle?

Six years ago Corey and the kids changed the ecological system of this creek forever. They built a little rock dam so they could have a little swimming hole. It looked like this...

It worked out great for many a year until this year, when they discovered this!!!!! A beaver built a whole entire dam on top of thier little rock dam. Totally ruined their little water hole by their favorite camp site because now when they play and swim....

it is with a BEAVER!!!!!

They didn't even know there was a beaver until they actually saw that they were...

swimming with the BEAVER!!!!! What the chicken? Swimming as in, not far away from them!

They didn't even know he was their until he slapped his tail! It was only 10 feet away. It was a huge guy also. Normal sane people would have gotten out. Not my family. Corey had to impress the kids with his stupid joke about the beaver being the best dam builders. So Bo went around swearing the rest of the day repeating his joke. I swear though, my husband comes home with these stories and pictures of my children swimming with the beaver and I wonder why I let him take the kids camping.

Anyways, Corey was pleased to discover all of his kids were a great shot with his 22.

I was disturbed to discover...

SOMEONE let my son put a miscellaneous... from the ground... hair pony tail on his head! uh...EWWWWW! I am hoping it was ours from last year.

disturbing on a few levels...

I was also slightly concerned to see my son in his hoarding mode. I have see signs of him being a hoarder at home (he loves to put everything in a million Ziploc bags and just stick them in his room, and he loves to carry STUFF (crazy whatever stuff) around with him in his backpack. And I am never surprised to find trash and cut up paper in his drawers, But his hoarding is now manifesting it's ugly head at camp.

Collecting twine that was just all over their hike...

Collecting sticks...

I may have a problem on my hands.

I love this picture. "He ain't heavy, he's my brother"...

Josie, The best dog in the whole U.S.

Weird thing...we just got new neighbors right next door and their dog is named Josie, too. Crazy, huh?

Corey always makes great camp food... Navajo Tacos. Which are scones with taco paraphernalia on top. Sad that the kids take after me and just wanted syrup on their scones.

Our camp flag! Sewn by my personal seam stress named mom....

Cheese balls or otherwise known as orange puffy death. A must at this camp!

Camp swing

Corey loves to challenge the kids...

Now they all know what I have been through....

Camping... Good times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tiffany P. said...Love it!!! I get excited every time you post a new blog.

Mary said...good times- living the mini van dream=what a great family you have!!!!

Kim said...This is excellent. I just love it! "What the chicken? ..."

Sherri E. said...Susan...you are awesome! So are the rest of Nielsen's :)

Nancy said...Love you and your talent for writing!

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