This Sunday, I appreciate my husband teaching my kids that it is okay to cry during movies.
Sadly it was Rocky he was crying over, but still... It happened during the part when Adrian had just given birth. And she told Rocky to come closer... and when he does she tells him to "win" (referring to his next fight).
You see, Rocky had been very discouraged with employment. He had tried dumb commercials and working at a meat processing plant but with no luck. He had to fight because it is all he knows how to do. So after his wife's supportive word "win", and a few tears from his number one fan Corey, training began and Rocky won.

Oh brother. I need a diet coke. What is it with guys and Rocky? Long live the Italian Stallion!
Awww, Corey does have a tender side. I can't wait to tell all our friends! Oh wait, you just did...
HAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Jeffery cries over this, too! I swear, Susan...they're clones!
Corey said...Don't you have better things to do?
Camy said...WOW, Corey, WOW!!!!
Melanie said...Better than appreciate her hubs? What could be better than that?
Melanie said...Ok, I understand your comment now, Corey! HAHAHAHHAHAAH you and Jeffery shoulddo a marathon, and Susan and I can sit on the stairs and laugh while we throw tissues at you two...
Melissa W. said...You kill me! That was one of the best-I laughed out loud, LOVE IT!
Mary said...ryan has a pic of sly w/ him, maybe you can borrow it Corey..."ADRIAN!!!!!!!!!!" wah
Mary said...actually a man that shows emotion is a wonderful thing-we need to teach our boys this gentle side
Camy said...I agree with Mary!! I like seeing the softer side sometimes. Kudos to Susan for keeping up with husband appreciation and to Corey for being a good sport about it. =)
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