Friday, September 21, 2012

Cow girl up!

Katie and I went on a cowgirl field trip. It was quite delightful. I am glad I was able to go and spend time with my girlie.


I loved the clever stick horses the teacher had them make!

So cute! Teaching the kids about cowboys!!

Then the handsome cowboy went to get the horses. It was so exciting when the two wagon teams rounded the corner.

The whole time on the wagon ride all I could remember was how much I love the wonderful and sweet smell of horses. Horses is one dream I have given up on. There was a day when all I thought about was owning a horse. Corey proposed to me with horse training books!

Well, hello there handsome cowboy!


This lady with Kate's head inserted cracks. me. up!

Fun little day. Kate is just so happy to be out in the world learning stuff.

Remember how I told you I am super clutsy and fall a lot... Yep. I fell backwards tripping on a cement ring. No one saw but my neck is still sore today from it. It made it awful hard at work to look up on the shelves for shoes! Sheesh!

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