Monday, September 17, 2012

Never eat more than you can lift! -Advice from Miss Piggy.

So since I have lost some weight (45 pounds now....Thank you therapy and calorie counting) I decided I could be brave enough to wear my beloved Miss Piggy necklace that my brother gave me when I was a girl.

Our family loved the Muppet's. (I loved the new movie!!!!) Jason probably doesn't even know he gave it to me. I am sure my mom set the whole thing up. But I remember it was from my brother and I saved it all this time. He always received Kermit paraphernalia and I received Miss Piggy.

I love her spunky piggy self. Most of my family made fun of me for wearing it to church. Just like my sparkles. But I don't care. I love it and the primary kids also loved it. I was able to converse with a darling crying little girl about our necklaces so I was happy about that.

Also....thank the Heaven's above that someone finally got smart enough to create this cool invention!!!! Nothing worse for a germaphobe to know they are touching lids to cups that all sorts of other people had to touch to get them separated. This invention works perfectly!!!!!

Tonight we are off to a great night sponsored by my friend's the Porters. "The Amazing Race" homemade style. I'll document it for you all!

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