Monday, September 24, 2012

Our newest adventure!! .

Sensory Integration Disorder.


Cause I need one more thing to add to my list of crap to talk to Kristopher about.

Cause I need one more occupational therapy appointment for my kid. (He is in speech right now)

Cause I need one more reason to feel overwhelmed and like I might eat 20 ices cream bars on one night. Even. if. they. are. low. calories.

Bo has the sweetest most caringest first grade teacher ever. I love seeing her. We hug and laugh when we see each other and she is a friend,  a very sympathetic loving friend.

I had the great fun of bringing Bo's class birthday treats (Yes, three weeks I still got them there!) and reading to them a book of my choice.

I picked my most favorite book series...Diary of a worm, spider, fly. These books crack me up and I laugh out loud every time I read them. I can't help it.

I loved reading to the class because Bo came and sat right on my lap for the whole story. (And since I have lost weight I had lap room for him and it was nice)

When they sang happy birtdday to him he laid his head on my shoulder looking away from the class the whole song. But he was smiling. The teacher told me Bo was the Hero that day because I had brought treats and read and more importantly Bo scaled the basketball pole and got the basket ball down. That boy can CLIMB.I have never seen a kid like it. He climbs our basket ball pole all the time and he nearly gives me heart failure with how HIGH he can get.

By the way, the treat I brought was ice cream cups,  WITH the wooden spoons which are a total must. Do you guys remember having those at school as kids? It was always an exciting day at school when they served them.

Bo has been massively struggling lately. He cannot hold still for any amount of time really. Nor pay attention.He spent the whole primary program coloring in a notebook, swinging around during the songs in la la land, or...coming to talk to me during the program. His teacher at school has allowed him to do his work while rolling around on the floor even. He has been having lots of bad days.

Today when I went to the school to speak with the administor, whom also is a friend now, whom also is the most gentle person alive, whom also is the kindest, wisest person alive...(can you tell I think he is great?) and Bo was sitting there in a chair next him while he typed (me an email) on the computer.

Bo told me he likes to be in the office becausee it is quiet and the kids are too loud in his class.

Bo had probably, literally five inches of his shirt shoved in his mouth and he was just knawing away at it. Even though he was in "trouble" he was peacefully sitting there with the administrator knawing on his cloths. He loves this man and this man loves Bo. There is no harshness or hurt. Just consequences. Wouldn't it be great if we could parent that way? Maybe you all are....

(The administrator is also the one who gave Bo a scholarship for Juijitus. He is also the one that when I tried to pay for Rhett's jujitsu uniform, wouldn't take the money and told me to put it in Rhett's mission fund. He is THAT great.)

So last week Bo's teacher had me come to the class room to show me what they had discovered.

Bo likes to be "tied" to his chair. He ususally has his arms out but he can also tuck them in. This blanket is tied fairly tight in the back and Bo told her he feels less "crazy" when he is tied in his chair. He does his work more peacefully and his hand writing became beautiful.

I asked his teacher what all the kids thought about this and she said she explained to them all that sometimes the world just feels like a really big place. And it feel so big to Bo. And she used the example of at night when you cuddle in your bed all snug and safe in your blankets. And it makes you feel good. And that is what Bo is in need of when he is tied in the chair.

The teacher also told me that Bo chews all his pencils because she believes he likes the feeling of the chewed pencil.

And...he has been taking all the wrappers off his crayons becasue he likes them smooth.

Sensory issues. So....Bo will be visitng an occupational therapist to see what the what is up. UG.O.LA!

So grateful Bo is in SUCH good hands. Love them. And as Kristopher has taught me to do I am trying to look for what i can learn from all these situations. I am just about to learn what happens when you eat 20 ice cream bars in a row!!!!!!!! Bye. Sorry spell check quit working.

1 comment:

Susan said...
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Hello, my old friend.

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