Sunday, September 30, 2012

Post it notes change lives, really. It's true. They do.

Work is starting to feel better. I am not petrified every time a customer comes in wondering what in the world crazy boot knowledge are they going to expect from me. I am mostly enjoying it, although the days I work two long days, Friday and Saturday, I really worry if it is so wrong for me to be away from my family. But for now I don't have a better option as we are benefiting greatly from a little extra money.

Often when I come to work I will find notes from the guys I work with giving me instructions. My boss usually tells me I am doing a good job.

Here was my note the other day.

It got me thinking. I know I have always been a "words of affirmation" person. I think I am a "words" person in general .Thus my love affair with my blog I suppose. Sometimes people can't believe I blog so much. I just love the outlet of words I suppose.

I realized that I don't give my kids enough "Words of affirmation". Sometimes I feel such an overwhelming need to correct any of their behavior that I forget to flood them with all they are doing right.

My boss tells me things I am doing right. Even when there are plenty of things I am sure he could tell me that I have done wrong. He always chalks that up to "that's how you learn". And leaves me little notes telling me I am doing a good job. I have come to look for those those little notes now because they are important to me.

So now I realize I need to be doing that with my children. If a "post it" note is that important to an adult from a boss I barely know...imagine how important one would be to my child from likely the most important person in their lives. A parent. Why haven't I been doing this all along?

My new goal. A "post it" per child per week. The things you learn in a boot store! Sheesh!

I just woke up form a five hour nap. What the craziness is that all about! I just might be up all night tonight! :)

So I have been doing my assignment form Super Hero. Reading about the parables.

And in the introduction it said something so interesting and sweet. Jesus spoke in parables so that the people who were not spiritually ready to receive his word would not be held accountable if they did not live their lives accordingly. Isn't that merciful? The people who were spiritually ready could decipher the parables and understand. Does that mean I am not ready that I am needing the book to explain some of these parables to me?......Hmmmm.

Corey got his elk. He has been so happy. He also lost his wallet. He came to me at work and looked like someone had died. He was so distraught about it. Things like that really get to him. Plus it is totally frustrating and a pain to lose your wallet. So he went back up to the hills to look for it. I thought it was slightly nuts and that he was never going to find it on some path in the mountains. He wasn't having any luck when he just got so upset and pleaded with Heavenly Father to help him. And He did. He found it within two minutes. Laying. on. the. side. of. the. trail. He didn't even really know for sure when and where he had lost it. He just had a slight inkling. He bawled for about fifteen minutes afterwards because it was so spiritual for him. Nice, huh?!


I Gotta Try That said...

"LIKE" They need a like button on blogs!

Aine said...

Cory's experience is so sweet. I think it's wonderful he had the gumption to go back and check in the first place!

I think you ARE ready for the parables. You have to "seek these things" - maybe it just doesn't occur to you to look for information. But you are one of the few people I know who embodies Christlike love. ♥

Post-its. See? Inspiration comes!

kirstensblog said...

Wow! That is all I can say. Just, wow.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...