Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hi, please meet..........

Isn't this a great picture? When in the world did Rhett get so big????

Had a great little day the other day. First Saturday in months i had free from work or other obligations. The kids helped me clean house with relatively little fighting. Phew.

Last night, my brother and sister in law called and invited me to crash their date night. Frank even treated me to dinner and gelato. Went way over my calories. :( I hate that but sometimes life happens. And the way I stop it from happening everyday is I journal my calories. Keeps me responsible and it keeps me aware. In case anyone cares.

I had a chicken artichoke mushroom bacon calzone. Uh....YUM! Any time anything says Artichoke, shrimp, mushrooms, or avocado...I just have to order it. I just have to.

It was so fun to go to dinner with them and laugh and talk and be treated. Thanks Sherri and Frank!

My kids LOVE Frank. They think he is so funny. After dinner he wanted to go to the store to buy them some treats so they wouldn't feel bad. So sweet. Then we came to the house and played a few games of Uno. We laughed our heads off at Frank because he was so confused why the number 9 with the line under it to show that it was a nine looked so different from the nine with line under it that he was holding upside down. He was all befuddled until we turned the nine right side up and then he got it and we all busted up at him. Fun times.

So...I did it. I bought a little bird. It isn't my dream bird but I am still waiting for the timing to be right on him.

 Justine and I spent a glorious hour looking at the birds trying to decide which one we wanted. It finally came down to a little, whitish looking , dove like in color, one or this little blueish one. We were just really drawn to the blue one because of the yellowish on his head along with the variety of blues on his body. Like he is peacock feather beautiful.


Zane Kristopher Salvador, the 1st.

He is quite young still. You can tell because he has stripes clear down on his face still. (That is what they told me) He also didn't try to bit at all the worker caught him. Great sign.

We gave him a few days to acclimate to our home and yesterday was his first training day. He worked on "stepping up". Justine and I are so excited. He is SUCH a lovey. Didn't bite at all, learned to step up and was such a gentle little guy for his first day. On his second training day we got all the kids involved and worked on letting him know that us scratching his head is safe and feels good. He is a smart little guy! He is learning fast and doesn't bite at all. He often tries to fly away and we have to hurry and grab him so he learns not to do that. The kids were so impressed that I knew how to clip his wings. Once upon a time I did know things you know!!!!!


Zane liked to snuggle in Kate's blanket. It was so sweet.


I loved teaching the kids how to train him and I have been very happy about it since. Reminds me of things I use to really care about that have been on hold for a bit due to chaos of being the mom. And I am happy to share my "stuff" with my kids. Good "stuff".

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...