Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kristopher may have a new client in our family!

I can't handle how CUTE this is....

Kassidy LOVES cats. She ALWAYS has. She has the jerkish cat in the whole world. That was one of my very first POSTS. How jerky her cat is. It would be gone except I could never break Kassidy's heart that way.

Banditt hurt his leg. We assumed it was an infection or possibly broken. Because Kassidy loves Banditt and she is so responsible, she agreed to pay the vet bill to take her "boy" in. She cried and was very worried. What a good mom.

Banditt is declawed but he is still the TOUGHEST cat in the neighborhood. He is a FIGHTER. But he must have gotten bit because he ended up having an infection from a bite wound.

He had a fever!

They had to do a "hold" on him because he will bite!

They shaved his little paw...

He was so cute and funny. (The only nice thing I have to say about him) After Kassidy got him back he actually CUDDLED her like a real baby. She loved that.

So THEN.... we discussed Banditt and his bad behavior and how he hates most of us in the family. The Dr. said he could benefit from an anti depressant and an anxiety pill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kassidy and I busted up over that. Or...there is a plug in the wall gadget that puts out happy pheromones for cats!!!!!  We are so going to try something. We care about the mental health of ALL creatures at this house! :)

So...Because animals are so very important to me....Kristopher gave me the assignment to get a pet. I went to the pet store to take a look. I so love lizards and reptiles and birds. They are just all so cute. This bird is my dream bird. Just a little Conure. Not too loud or unmanageable. I am waiting another year before I get him though. I want Kate to be a little older.

He was so dang cute. I really miss my pet store days. I had so many good friends there and I was good at caring for all those little animals.

This parakeet cracked me up. He just was so cute and curious. We might get one of these to begin with. Justine really wants one.

These frogs are the CUTEST things ever!!!!!!!

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