Saturday, December 1, 2012


Funny story...Corey came in today to visit. He loves the boot store. I was happily packaging a box to mail. I was USING THE TAPE! (Heaven Forbid!) Corey chastises me...(And no! He doesn't read my blog!)

Him...."You are using too much tape!!!!"

Me....Super thrilled..."I am allowed to use AS MUCH AS I WANT around here!!!!!!"

me....Super smily inside... :)

And I also realized at work, I love to use the Sharpie Markers that all WORK! At our house sharpies are under lock and key and mostly dry from Rhett coloring his basket balls.

I was very happy yesterday at work when I got permission from my boss (have I mentioned his name is Nick?) to listen to church talks on the internet while I work when no customers are in the store.

He said sure! And I was happy because it gets boring when I am there alone. And I was happy to get to accomplish two things at once. Get inspired and make money save people's feet through proper fitting of shoes.

So at my latest Kristopher session we talked about forgiveness  I will admit it. I wasn't very open to his thoughts. I was annoyed. And a little bit hard.

Me..."So...someone just gets to wrong you, say sorry, and they get forgiven just like that?"

Him..."Yep. It's called the Atonement."


I have forgiveness I need to offer in my life. Don't you? Don't we all?

Giving forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. Because not giving it affects you more than it affects the person you won't forgive.

Kristopher said one needs to practice MINDFUL Forgiveness. I take that to mean....if it is not naturally there in your heart....then you pay attention to your thoughts and be mindful about forgiveness. Like maybe it is a choice. Like maybe if you don't just feel it, you choose it. Like maybe you think about giving forgiveness instead of just "feeling" unforgiving. Remember what Kristopher always tells me...."Think more, feel less".

Kristopher said Positive Proclomations work for this also. "I forgive, I forgive, I forgive." And sometimes you have to say it more than three times!

I left his office not feeling it. *Grumbling*snarling*annoyed*

 He told me to listen to some church talks on forgiveness.


But my friend Deanna and I walk together. Love her. So we decided to set a few goals. We would listen to some of the church talks on the internet and read our scriptures (which I have yet to do) this week.

So today I listened to this church talk on forgiveness (me = rule follower, remember?) from the past Prophet of the LDS church. President Hinckley. Oh, how I miss him. Terribly in fact.

The spirit flooded me and my little boot store. It was a beautiful talk.

 He shared a clip from the poem "House by the Side of the Road" by Sam Foss. I loved it. And I realized I have great desire to be that person.

"Let me live in a house by the side of the road
Where the race of men go by-
The men who are good and the men who are bad,
As good and as bad as I.
I would not sit in the scorner's seat
Nor hurl the cynic's ban-
Let me live in a house by the side of the road
And be a friend to man."

President Hinckley shared the beautiful story of Christ defending  a woman who had sinned "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone" He said. *heart softening*

And when President Hinckley ended his talk with this...

May God help us to be a little kinder, showing forth greater forbearance, to be more forgiving, more willing to walk the second mile, to reach down and lift up those who may have sinned but have brought forth the fruits of repentance, to lay aside old grudges and nurture them no more. For this I humbly pray, in the sacred name of our Redeemer, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

my heart melted and I wanted to offer forgiveness to anyone.

I am putting this...

" lay aside old grudges and nurture them no more"

....on my vision board.

And the simplicity of Kristopher's words to my hostile question "so they just get forgiven, just like that?????" *snarl*grumble*complain*complain*.....

"Yep.".... rang truth to my soul.

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