Friday, October 2, 2009

Angels are everywhere!

I love people! I just get such joy from knowing that the people on earth were once my Heavenly brothers and sisters. A friend whom I love so so(times infinity)much and have the greatest respect for and just want to be around all the time, and just talks to her kids so cute and compassionately keened into their every need and is just such a doll words cannot even describe (Kirstin),once was a teacher at church and she joked about how one day we would all be in Heaven together saying "Hey, remember when we were on earth together, that was so much fun!" I have always loved that thought, of us sitting around eating decadent zero calorie foods in our prime laughing about our crazy earth life together. Won't that be fun?

I had surgery on both of my hands this summer for pregnancy induced Carpal Tunnel issues.I have had numbness for a good eight years now. I have tolerated it not overly concerned figuring I needed surgery but I have been busy with babies. I didn't realize that time was a wastin and my nerves were being damaged. The adorable Dr. Greg Biddulph said I had the worst nerve damage he had seen this year proven by the electrocution test I had done that included 20 pokes of tiny needles and shocking me on my hands and fingers and arms. Yucka! Didn't hurt that bad but was grody! Plus cost over a thousand dollars for half an hour.

Anyway, I was somewhere trying to do some fine detail things with my crazy gimpy hands. Isn't gimpy a funny and deranged word? It kind of grosses me out. My sister in law calls them gimpy and it cracks me up and grosses me out also. I was trying to get something accomplished with my gimpy hands and was having a little trouble. An adorable sweet princess of a lady offered to help me. I seriously wanted to cry. It is so nice of people to offer to help. It means so much when you are a insy weensy teensy tiny bit handicapped. I can't even imagine if I had a real issue. The lady was all worried about being there to continue to help me. I love when people who you don't even know (or remember that you know) are willing and gracious to help. Isn't it much nicer to be in a world where we are looking out for each other whether we know each other or not? I can say coming from someone who was in need, even if it was super duper minor, it was well appreciated and touched my heart. She was my angel sighting this week.

Lets all look out or each other better, friends or strangers. Lets be each others angels...


Unknown said...

LOVED this post Susan. I agree with you - we should not only look for angels everywhere - abut look for opportunities to BE angels to others. You've certainly been one to me with this new baby and Lane. Thanks.

kirstensblog said...

Susan, I used to say I was earning a milk shake in heaven when things would be tough for me. Now I think I was earning a friend as lovely as you. Lovely AND talented,....
You should know that you are the fudge sauce on my icecream, the ice cold lemonade filled with ice on a summer day, the beautiful bright red geraniums in full bloom in the garden, and much more. Love you, Kirsten
funky sign in word: coldboph

Hello, my old friend.

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