Tuesday, October 6, 2009


How does this happen? I seriously can't understand it. The three boys share a room so I guess that is a lot of kids in that room but let's get real here! We can have it clean one night and then the next day- POOF! - DISASTER-! I always say the house threw up because that is what it looks like. The house has turned it's stomach inside out. WEIRD. It couldn't possibly from lack of parenting. Who knows.

When I was a kid I had a horribly messy room as well. It was a disaster much like my boys. I have very fond memories of my mom helping me de-junk the whole room and starting fresh. I loved those times. Sadly, it would quickly become a mess again. My lovely mom let me keep every little animal you can think of in my room, including three pet rats who were truly beloved little pets. Danny, Clay, and Beau. Good rats if you can believe it. Cried my heart out when they died. Shortly after my son's birth I realized I had named him after one of my pet rats. Oopsies.
Nonetheless, I had a very messy room. I went to college and had a roommate who was wiser and more mature ( she was 21! wow) and she always kept her room clean. I decided I loved that and was forever changed into a clean room keeper. So there may be hope for my sons yet. Except the one I named after the rat. That is just something you don't recover from.

Below is my room.

I get great joy from it. It is my little safe haven from the world. (Six children, one husband, one jerkish cat.)

Sometimes I lock myself in and will read for 10 minutes. If
someone knocks I can pretend I was using the restroom. No one
has to know.
I will clean this room before any other because it is my reprieve and "they" can't mess it
up again! That is because I got smart and put a child lock on it. (SMILE)

Why does my husband need so many huge pillows? It is a mystery. and it makes my bed look lopsided.

See his sad little nightstand? It is lonely for books. The only thing it ever has on it is Cabela magazines. Yes, it is missing a leg. Corey refuses to get a new one.

I adore my little night stand table. The screen in the back was in my beloved Grandpa's shed. I HEART it to death. My dad doesn't get why we like to put all these old things in our house. I am really not an antique person but I love a few chabby chic things.
When I see all my books stacked crazily there it gives me hope. I love having them all waiting there for me, like friends, ready to call upon in my time of need. I must have at least six messily scattered there or I start to fret. I make sure to read a great mixture of church books, educational books and novels.

This is my "baby in the womb" paper weight.

Actually it goes this direction.

Corey thinks it is really demented. It fills me up with joy, symbolizing my pregnancies. My mother in law worked for an OBGYN and the drug rep gave it to her. She gave it to her husband as a paper weight. They thought it was a joke. My "step" father in law gave it to me because he knew how much I loved it. He has died since then but it gives me happiness remembering how he gave it to me. I know its weird but it is "me".

More of my room...

Corey finished this dresser for me for our wedding present. Love it. Has a mirror on top but after six babies... won't be needing that.
My mom made this awesome quilt and my cousin in law snagged me yet another old piece of junk that looks awesome! It actually has a rusty nail coming out of it. All the cooler!

This is Rhett when he was one. He was a handsome little guy. Wouldn't smile.

This shelf was the first thing I did in my room. I love shelves. I decorated with 50 buck I had been giving for switching phone companies. Nothing else had been decorated in my whole house but I had dreams for this room. The dresser is temporary until we get the baby out of my closet.
Up close of my shelf

My little kids brought me in this beautiful nest one day. It is made with like little feathers. It is so sweet and soft, and orange!

This little mama represents everything I feel about myself. I love being the mama. Corey calls me big mama but that is besides the point! For the longest time I referred myself as mama. "Let mama help you." What am I? On Little House on the Prairie? Whatever. I love this little faceless, slightly odd, would sculptury thing.

There is the cutest little book on my shelf with all these illustration about wildlife. The drawings are so true to life.

In high school I had a boyfriend and one day we went to his house and his mom taught us how to take apart these owl poops and there are like whole little mice skeletons in there with all the bones. So we actually dissected the thing and glued them on cardboard just like the picture below. It was cool. You know, if you don't mind playing in poo. But here it is all drawn out right in this book. It is just a fun book.

I knew I must buy the book though when I saw this:

That little mom nursing her baby rabbit was just to wonderful for words. Then when I read that the baby is getting a "cup of comfort" I was sold.

Also on my wall, our wedding day. That is one huge bouquet! I just thought it was the best thing ever.

And behind the door, mushrooms my dad painted. He wasn't happy he was behind the door but I think mushroom are lucky they made the cut at all! Actually I really like it and think its cool.

I have had this picture framed for probably 10 years now. It inspires me. I can't do everything but the little things I do are adding up! Some day I would like to go run an orphanage. I love it when my sweet friend Terri remembers that about me and always adds that in her comments when we are face booking and such. I was ALWAYS going to adopt. Then came my own six and now I am tired for a while. But I do dream of a service mission of some kind with orphanages or something. We shall see. Thank Heavens for Mother Teresa though.
Well, that's all for now!
There is your proof that at least one room in my house is clean.
Also that I know how to write freakishly long blogs about nothing.
I'll try to control myself next time.
Actually it was a little window into some of the things I love!


Janetlee said...

I loved the whole thing! I want the lamp on your nightstand and the Mother Teresa saying. Your bedroom feels so peaceful. I'll be on the lookout for a leg for Corey's nightstand....or maybe a new nightstand.

Janetlee said...

One more thing: you need to read the last blog entry from "To Much To Do" which is Tate's sister Terra. You can find it on the right hand side of my blog. Just click on it. She describes bedrooms like your children's...and my children.

kirstensblog said...

I too, loved the entire thing. It was a treat to read. I am sick here on my bed, hoping that there was a blog from Susan, and yay! Just one more thing to brighten up an unusually uncomfortable day. I love that your boys' room is messy. Although I'd say not that bad. One child's room is at least triple the mess in my house. Pick one. Any of them will work.
I loved seeing your room and the window into Susan. That is why I like seeing people's houses and them mine, so that I can see a "window" into their lives. I think it makes the relationship closer. And I, too, am a lover of people. Especially Susans. funky sign in word: filom

Unknown said...

Love the cute stuff, love the post, love you!
I might have to copy your fun post, (you know, to make me look clever too.)

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great post! There is so much to comment on I don't know what to say first!
My kids rooms definitley look like your kids. It's frustrating to me, but, I have to remember what mine looked like at their age. (Mine might have been worse:)).
I had to laugh at your hubby's choice of reading material because it is the only thing my hubby reads, too! Ha! Cabelas! Such fine literature!
Loved looking through your window!

Unknown said...

I thought this was absolutely histerical because it's so much like our house - all except the part about our bedroom beeing nice and clean - and a sanctuary. I laughed at the later post of naming your son after your pet rat. Ha Ha Ha Ha - didn't you name something after me?

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...