Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Should I be concerned that my children's gym teacher is a chain saw massacrest by night?

I over came a fear tonight! Okay, I am still terrified but it wasn't as crazy, freakish, blind, terror as it was earlier. I went to DR. SLAUGHTER! Can you believe it? Last time I have been to a spook alley type thing was 16 years ago and I got so freaked out I turned to run and ran my head smack into a brick wall! OUCH.

Tonight I went with my oldest daughter and some other friends to the local spook alley. It was really well done and super scary and LONG! Too long! And Stressful! I was so thankful to have Melanie as my human shield. I literally had "pick a car off an injured person" super human strength tonight as I gripped with both hands the back of her jacket and maneuvered her this way and that to protect myself. (Melanie- Thank you, thank you, thank you! I couldn't have survived without you!) Her daughter bravely led the way the whole time. It was scary! Crazy people and monsters, aliens etc jumping out at you at every turn. I can still laugh when the walls were smooshing us and Melanie screamed the whole way through because of claustrophobia. Several times I reminded the creepazoids that they were not allowed to touch me. "You can't touch me!" (Those are the rules)That helped. I kept telling my group "they are just people, they are just people." It was scary fun. I don't quite get it but I liked it. Only one time though. I am not going again. Kassidy loved it and laughed the whole was through. I am a very PROUD mother that I have somehow manage to raise a child who isn't scared of everything like me! I am sure I can't take any credit for it but I am glad she is brave.

I was oddly proud of myself when it was over as my friend Camy said I would be! I don't understand why but I was glad I had done it.

Later I ran into my children's gym teacher and he recognized us at Dr. Slaughters. He was in the very last room playing the chain saw massacrest guy! Gotta love small towns. Where else is your teacher your teacher by day and chain saw dude by night! (and at one time your hometeacher, even!)


kirstensblog said...

No way! Who is he? Awesome blog. I live vicariously. I on the other hand was at the temple away from all the SCARY THINGS! But actually, I am jealous. That sounded way way fun. Especially to go with Melanie. I am glad you went and I am so proud of you conquering your fears! Did they have the scary brick wall to jump out at you? (I'd think that would be the MOST scary thing for you since your experience sixteen years ago. ha ha)

Janetlee said...

So it is Mr. Dopp? Cool. Sounded like a fun thing to do with your daughter. Maybe I'll try it.

Unknown said...

Still laughing over here... "YOU HAVE TO DO HARD THINGS"!! =) Also - how do you say/spell massacherist? Wierd word!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...