Saturday, January 12, 2013

mish mash

Sooo...I finally saw the last Twilight movie.

 I'm slightly embarrassed to say that I almost cried three times during it. It was pretty good. The third movie was such a DISASTER that I could hardly stand the thought of sitting through such stupidity again. But this one was much better and pretty funny in parts.

While watching it, there were a few kissing and love scenes and it reminded me of a conversation a friend and I had. He had read an article that had something to do with "Why is your pornography better than my pornography?". I believe the premise of the article was how with men we are so horrified when they view pornography but women will watch trashy things like Twilight, that is a version of chic pornography, and it  may be making us feel similar ways that men do when they are viewing pornography, but it is accepted. Why is one better than the other?

What do you all thing about that? Sounds like a good point to me.

I think we all pretty much agree the actress for Bella, did an acting job that left something to be desired in the first couple of movies.

Wowza has she improved! And I thought she was STUNNING in this movie. Really Beautiful. And I still find Edward incredibly handsome and ....dreamy.

I told you how the movies is a trigger for me  to eat five trillion calories in movie theater popcorn with lots of butter (yummiest ever). So this time I did what a friend suggested and I wrote down my menus for the whole day.

And because I love to eat at the movies I decided I would eat "clean" the whole day and allow myself a small bag of M&M's and one soft pretzel. I heard by the "Eat This, Not That" guy, that at a movie you should have a soft pretzel instead of popcorn. So I did those things and it worked great. Don't you guys love that chunky salt that is on pretzels? What is up with the yumminess of that!?

I have been back on track with my calories. I have set the goal to have a 1400 calorie month. No more than that. I set myself up a little support group and I am doing well.

One of my friends, who is my weight support friend, also sees Kristopher. She had the NERVE to tell him that she was going to leave me in the dust (we almost weigh the exact same) if I don't quit eating at the all you can eat pizza bar. CAN. YOU. EVEN. IMAGINE. MY. HORROR!!!!!?????

Well, That was the best thing she could have ever done for me. I'll be darned if I am going to gain one more ounce when Kristopher knows I am pigging out at an all you can eat pizza bar!!!! No way!

Having a support group seems to be very important . Support with a little natural competition and pressure of friends who don't want you to screw it all up.

Also I started telling myself...I am not giving back all the progress and work and fight I have fought. I am not giving all that back to the demons of obesity. They cannot have me again. I will not go back there. It is just a constant fight. Constant vigilance. But it is doable. And so far it has been so worth it.

So....I got an email from Bo's teacher. She believes that the days when the compression shirt is not lost in the laundry,  that it has been making a difference. I am so glad. I bought a few more after that!

Here is Bo with one of his sensory tools. He sat and watch TV gnawing away on this thing. He loved it. His teacher also said he really loves the chewable pencil toppers.

(See his fancy new compression shirt?)

Also you will be glad to know that the jerky cat is responding well to the medicine. He hasn't been participating in his private anxiety issue, and he has been a little more friendly. Yay.

And...Chandler bites. Hard. It is normal. But Zane never did (I knew he was special!). We have been working with Chandler though, and I don't think it'll be long before he is just as nice.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Jill said...I can't do the twilight stuff. But I agree a little about the lust stuff.

Robyn said...Susan, I have been so busy for the last few years surviving the things I had dished out for myself that I never took the time to read this blog. This is the second I have read in the last two weeks and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. I have told my husband, my mother-in-law, and my friend how brilliant I think you are. But more over, you are inspiring to me. I was talking with another friend the other night and she brought up the law of attraction. I knew a bit about the theory, and the premise I received was, that positive thinking will help bring you what you wish for. Well, I agreed that sounded like a good theory, but I had been doing that and had never really felt that paradigm shift within myself. Just recently, I read a different take on that theory and instead of attracting what you want (or want to be) instead, in reality, you attract what you are (or already have) so if you are not getting what you want, you change what you are. Well, I felt that paradigm shift. I see that in action and working for you. And I have to say, I am so happy that we have attracted each other to ourselves, because I want to be a part of your team. We are both making big changes within ourselves and it just feels right to read your inspiration each week.

Nancy said...Love your blog! Glad the shirts and things are working for Bo!

Susan said...Robyn!!! I am so thankful you are part of my team and love me back as much as I love you!!!!!!!! I believe everything you just said. Thank you for sharing it with me. And...I think that oregano is working for you know what and I need a little refill on my sample bottle! I love watching you lately. You have been coming alive. Sparkly and happy.

Melanie said...I kind of disagree on the pornography thing. Here's the diff. Would you freak out if your kids watched a guys pornography? Heck yes. I could very easily scratch someone's eyes out over sitting my kids down and saying "hey, watch this". However... I took my kids to see all of the Twilights with a hand over their eyes for about 2-3 minutes, and I'm not a fan of watching those parts either. I don't see why the stuff we watch has to be compared like that. Does it make the man who said it feel better about himself? Grrr I really don't think I'm so feminist until things like this come up. Then my inner Susan B Anthony emerges.

Susan said...Shoot, was I supposed to cover their eyes?

Melanie said...Haha I have.

Sharla said...Thank you for your kind words. You are so sweet and very amazing to me. I find strength knowing that i am not alone in this world and there are brave people like you to meet along my path. I am glad you are there, it sounds like you are learning so much and growing much. Love you susan, you are a Wonderful child of God.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...