Sunday, January 13, 2013

Surprise surprise!!!!

Something really weird is happening from a kid I never thought it would happen from.

I think there is potential that Rhett might have a beautiful sing voice. I NEVER expected that one.

I wanted musical children so greatly. (Is that proper English?) I did though. We have Nathan who can play the violin and I love that. To death. I can hardly sit still during his orchestra concerts.

However no one in our family can sing. If I could do something that I can't would be sing. I think that would be so fulfilling.

I have been sad that I haven't been able to enjoy singing through my children and I basically gave up because it just didn't seem that it was going to happen. How is it that some families are just musical and some are not? I really did try!

So in primary  our music leader has been teaching the kids a GREAT song. The kids have loved it, I can't stop singing it, and it would be great for any denomination. Check it out here.

And someone commented that Rhett had a nice voice. When Noah "speaks" the boys only, sing. I cannot not sing during that part, I love it so much.

I wondered if they just thought it was Rhett. I had no clue that he might have a nice voice. I battled him with piano and I finally gave up it was such. a. fight. So I just thought he wouldn't be musical.

Then one day I heard him and he really does have a nice voice! I am so amazed! And a few people told him he has a nice voice and now he stands up straight and tall (he's huge!) and sings and isn't embarrassed at all! I could eat it up, I am so happy about it.

Today was Rhett's turn to do the dishes. The four oldest kids each take a Sunday a month. They think they are on their death beds when they have to do it. It usually is a big mess but I. don't. care. I told the kids even if it takes them two hours.... I. don't. care. Exspecially (noticed I spelled that wrong? That is Camy's pet peeve. I want to see if she is reading my blog. lol.)  since we are home form church by noon (I am surprisingly loving the new church schedule). My kids ( and yours too maybe?) barely have to work compared to most kids in third world countries.

So today Corey and I had to clarify that kitchen duty includes hand washing what won't fit in dishwasher, clearing the table,  and wiping down the table and cupboards.  Brother! Can't believe we had to clarify that.

 I loved Rhett's job of hand washing though. I thought it was very thorough.

(Do you see the wall where the door knob was slammed through the wall? Yeah.)

Rhett is back in basketball despite his new Osgood Schlatter disease. His knees really do bother him when he is active. Sad.

Bo was so cute on Christmas. He had wrapped up a bunch of cute pictures he made with my mom. Rhett ripped the picture when he opened the present, it was sort of sad for Bo but we fixed it.

I just thought it was so cute and thoughtful of Bo. He loves those big brothers.

I love his little head.


Grossness disclaimer: Tonight, Rhett and Nathan were having a burping contest. Rhett was hovering over Nathan from the top of the bunk bed.  Nathan was lying below with his hand hanging out, palm up. 

Do I even need to finish the story? Can you all read the writing on the wall? 

Yep. You guess it. Rhett forced his burp out a little too hard and threw up right in Nathan's hand. No where else, though. BOYS!!!!! 

Therapy stuff:

In my heart concerning my blog and therapy is a constant prayer. "Help me to share what is prudent and helpful and Thy will".

I am a naturally open person and I would love to just share everything I have. But I just can't. So while reading my posts about therapy I hope you won't spend too much time trying to figure out what my problem is, and why I am sharing this point or that point, or why I am reading this book or that book, or whose to blame or not to blame, or why I ended up in therapy. Because in the grand scheme of my sharing, none of that matters. I have and had a basically happy life. But we all have struggles, we all have unmet needs, we all have room to grow. That is what I am trying to do. Grow. Become who Heaven;y Father wants me to be. And I am getting help figuring that out.

I have been working on a new book. It apparently has been around forever. "Codependent No More". I am enjoying it. I think I like self help books. Go figure. I take forever to read a book because I just don't commit much time to it. But this week I read a chapter that I definitely think was given to me to help me with a problem. To ease some of my hurt and burden and to give me better understanding of myself.

Sometimes I want to be cynical about psychology stuff. Sometimes it seems all so hoke. So when I mention the next topic (from the book) that helped me, I want you all to have time to warm up to the idea.

It is about.....wait for your mind....

Your inner child.

I know. I know. It sounds a little "out there".

You guys believe in an inner child?

I do now.

I hope Kristopher and I get a chance to talk about my findings at my next appointment. I'll let you warm up to the idea before I share the parts of the book that rang true to me.


P.S. here is another song from church, thanks to Tiffany, that we have come to adore!

Happy Song!

We only sing the first verse and then we sing it again and we make noises for the second verse like cheep cheep, quack quack, etc. It is THE BEST. I want to write a better second verse.


Sharla Anne said...

Where have you been all my life. I find me and you so similar, i love your blog it has brightened my day! Thank you for sharing

Susan said...

Suzanne said...You're boys just make me laugh Susan! That's hilarious & glad it wasn't too messy! Haha! I love your blog & your insights through therapy ~ Keep them coming!

Viki Groberg Bailey My parents gave that book to one of my siblings back in the early 90s! Haha... I have Sooooo many family jokes about "Codependent No more"! But, alas...I am glad you are enjoying it! Good Night - for reals this time. I am TIRED!

Susan said...It is an old book!

Julie said...I guess if it's old it's becoming a classic. I bought it recently and a girl in my meeting tonight had it and was using it. Must be a good book and I should probably start looking at it. I do love her book The Language of Letting Go and read it daily.

Sherri said...I read that book 25 years ago and it "literally" saved my life and has improved it ever since. Love that book! I'm glad it is still around.

Kristy said...I have it on CD if you'd rather read it that way. I choked up watching Rhett sing yesterday. What a man!!!!

Nancy said...What a handsome boy that Rhett is!

Mary it all...all of it!

Julie said...I'm reading your blog today, Susan Chamberlain Nielsen, and I love it. You could so be my new BFF!

Susan said...Aww. Thanks! I always need more BFF's!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...