Monday, February 4, 2013


I like this. That is all. 

I am in a funk. I am depressed. Too many changes coming up in my life. I seriously thought after I was done having babies I would just be happy at home doing housewifeish things. What I am learning is when I have free time, I 100% completely waste it. 

I think in August I am going to enroll in online school and get my bachelors (I have my associates) . BYU-I has a program that is inexpensive and can all be done online. Don't even ask what degree I am going for. I don't have that figured out yet. 

It is so confusing. I hadn't really thought out the rest of my life very clearly. I don't know. I just know that I waste time and get depressed when I am not busy. 

1 comment:

Susan said...

Jill said...I laugh because my mom didn't know what to get her degree in. She liked too many things. She still didn't know what she wanted to be when she grew up. But truly she found a great niche and is good at what she does. You will be awesome! And the winter depression thing is totally me too. Hate it. My hubby gets it sometimes too. He gets his more in the spring.

Nancy said...Don't be so hard on yourself. I like the little birds and house too!

Susan said...then sew me them!

Michelle said...I have the opposite problem~ I am feeling depressed and overwhelmed because I am TOO busy! Way too much riding on everything I'm doing right now and I'm about ready to jump off something high! I think I slip into some weird vegetative state when I have any free time and just stare at stuff and completely waste that time which adds to my feeling frustrated. My brain is on overload! So I have a super crazy kind of blah going on. I'm sorry you're feeling blah. Blah is no fun. You'll get it all figured out though. And you'll feel much better when your mama sews you those loverly birds (sorry, Nancy! )

Nancy said...Was Katie sick today?

Viki said...if you are enjoying your time on, say, pinterest...then it isn't time "wasted", right?

Susan said...She was sick! That was probably why I was depressed!

Megan said...I totally understand how you're feeling! Winter blahs are no fun!! I was in your shoes a couple years ago not really sure what I wanted to do with my life! That's when I picked up my camera and decided to really learn how to use it. I took classes which led into graphic design courses .... Which is where I'm at now- a working mama. But I love it! I love having a purpose and getting paid for being creative is awesome! I do miss the days of having nothing to do but snuggle with my children though ... Why do we as mothers always feel guilty over something?!

Kirsten said...You know when you are focusing so much time rearing your little ones, and doing every thing to the hundredth power, you get out of practice in filling your free time. What happened to me after the twins, was as they entered pre school and kindergarten and full time school, I had to gradually build up my "focus and not waste time" muscles. I am still working on it, actually. But I do have one thing I'd change: my mentality. It isn't a super speedy race. You aren't bad if it takes a little while to regain it. Do a little at a time. When I come upon some free time and I decide to absolutely waste it (I do that) then I begin to feel badly. I think that is the Holy Ghost prodding me to start working out those focus muscles. So I say, "I will clean THAT counter top." I do it and feel better. There might be days when I sit right back down. But the point is, start slow. I found that same principle was going on during my sacrament worship. I was so used to wrestling littles that I never focused on the Savior during the Sacrament. I still struggle to work those focus muscles. I am glad God is verrry patient.

Jill said...Thanks Kirsten. I needed to hear that. I'm so in the stage of wrestling and rearing little ones.

Kirsten said...Those are really cute birdies. Good eye.

Susan said...LOVE ALL THE COMMENTS. Thanks!!!!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...