Friday, February 22, 2013

Just a Friday!

I worked today. My boss, Nick, was there most of the day. I like him. He's funny and easy going. He laughs a lot. He tells stupid jokes. He likes that my favorite thing to do at work is package the boxes for delivery. We found lots to package today just for fun. He knows I am tape deprived so he still lets me use as much as I want without ever commenting. We tried to find as many as we could to torture our UPS guy. We were proud of all we had and then the UPS man was a sub. Major bummer.

Gus likes to call me and pretend to be a rude customer. And I fall for it every darn time. Then he laughs so hard and I feel like a idiot for falling for it. The other day I ran out of gas right by the store. Nick and Gus were both working and Nick let Gus leave and come help me. I like them both.

When I was at work today Corey kept Kate very busy and they had lots of fun. I am very happy about that. Working has been good in that way. The kids get dad all to their selves and it is a great thing.

I love her in her penguin hat ( I have an owl! lol) that Kassidy gave her for her birthday. I think it is funny that she is a penguin feeding the ducks. I know, dumb.

I seriously have anxiety just seeing her this close to the water. For reals. It's a good thing I wasn't there to rub fear into her.


I figure a bag of M&M's into my calories every night. Jillian said it was okay. I eat them one by one and color by color. I always start with blue because that color annoys me. I usually save orange or yellow for almost last because I like those fallish colors. BROWN IS ALWAYS LAST. It is my favorite. But they always put the least of brown in the bags and the most of blue. It's ridiculous. Tonights bag only had FIVE brown! What in the world!

Yesterday was Kristopher. I left with great peace and more healing. I am following the steps in the "Healing Your Aloneness" book. If you ever read the book the steps seem a there interesting. But I am doing it. He told me he did it and I am doing it.You have to do the work to have mental health. You just do. He wants me to bring my journaling to share with him. I said I couldn't because he would make me read it out loud and there was NO WAY I was doing that. He agreed that if I bought it I could decide the rules around how I shared it. I am super happy about that. I don't even know why but I am.

When I told him I was embarrassed for him to read it he says he doesn't understand. If you are a seeing a Dr  you aren't embarrassed for him to see your insides if you are having a surgery or something. So since he is a "Dr" of the brain it makes no sense to be embarrassed about what I have going on in there. Okay, none of that was his exact words but that is the gist of it. Later I was like...HUH???? Uh, yes I am too embarrassed when I go to the Dr. and they have to look at certain parts. I can think of LOTS of procedures I would be embarrassed to have done regardless if that Dr. is a specialist in that area. But...I didn't think of saying that till later. Oh well. Doesn't really matter.

Super hero psychotherapist says the only way out of your problems is through them. And that is what we are doing. Going through them. Grateful for the gift of compassion and clarity he gives to me. I'll be brave and take a picture of him next time so you can see him.

Did you guys know I have glasses? I never wear them and don't really need them. But they were free and I desperately wanted to be one of those cute girls who wears fancy glassed. I want to wear them to therapy so I look smart and fancy next time. But I think I am just too chicken. Should I?

I didn't realize that glasses really are such a pain. It is like I have something in between my eyes and the world and it is sort of annoying. Have you noticed people are wearing really LARGE glasses these days? Like the young girls are...And Justine and I agreed that we them! They look so cute.

Speaking of huge glasses...I love that I can steal pictures off of FB. Found this one of my darling at school with a friend in science goggles.

Okay...I have to go now. I have to get my Sunday lesson finished. Terror. And I only have seven M&M';s left. Boo.

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...