Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy (Chinese New Year) Birthday!

Today was Justine's real birthday. It was also Chinese New Year. And for some reason I just knew that meant we had to have Chinese food for lunch. Any excuse to have Chinese food is great in my book. So Corey surprised us with it. Justine also loves Chinese food. In fact, our children were raised on Chinese food. We never order pizza like a lot of people do, we get Chinese food. Always have.

Corey sent Justine out to the garage to bring in a box (of Chinese) . She didn't know what it was about and was slightly annoyed at being asked to do a "job". You know, because kids think they are being tortured if they have to do any "work". But she was happy when she came back in!

It was a good lunch. Good family time. We don't get that as much at meal time now with all of us going a million different directions.

Unfortunately, Justine has the embarrassment of a wound on her face. It was hard earned though. She was pulling her three ring note book out of her back pack and rammed it right into her cheek. We couldn't help but have a good laugh over that.

We treated the kids to pop even. Rhett learned a magic trick with his pop. Pure talent, that kid right there!

 and then Kassidy read us some big foot stories.

The funniest thing about teasing Justine about being Bigfoot is she plays back. When Corey said we need to find out what Bigfoots eat Justine said "just ask me". The whole family spends time bouncing little jokes off her and she is a great sport and seems to enjoy the game. It gets pretty hilarious sometimes.

It is only a little embarrassing when Bo keeps informing all the kids on the bus that she is a Bigfoot and they don't know what he is talking about.

I have to say I am adoring the 9:00 church schedule. I come home every Sunday so relieved it is a "day of rest" and I can escape from the world for a bit. I have learned to nap. I NEVER have been a napper. EVER.  I ALWAYS knew I was pregnant from the sheer fact that I would fall asleep random places and need a nap.  I feel like I am wasting precious time when I nap. I know that is not healthy. But now on Sundays I nap. And it is a bit glorious.

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