Saturday, February 16, 2013

I LOVE this kid!!!! REally!!!! She is so funny!

Kassidy is just a funny kid! Really! She is just amusing  I found all these pictures on Face Book  They cracked my up. They all totally look like they could be her. I think she is so pretty!

Come on!!! This one is HILARIOUS!

Come on!!!! So funny!??? Right??

I swear this one looks like me... I think I have a picture of me somewhere that is so similar but this was the only one I could find. What do you think? Do we look similar?

I worked today. I am starting to be completely comfortable there. And actually there are days I look forward to going there. There is lots of times that it is peaceful and quiet. And.... I get a killer discount on shoes. Before this job I had not bought shoes for FIVE years. I wear a horrid size 11 and shopping for shoes was never fun. I didn't know I could order shoes!!!! So when I got this job I told myself I was buying shoes whenever I wanted. Well...I don't. But I do have one pair always on layaway that I make little payments on. And it feels so so good. This week I got a FREE pair of Merrells to test out. Super cool!!!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...