Monday, February 18, 2013

Nice sister!

Yesterday I was in the bathroom getting ready for church. I hear Corey, who was crawling out of bed, and Kate bump heads. She tells him sorry even though apparently it was his fault. I hear him so sweetly tell her..."You don't have to say sorry, I'm the one who says sorry."

Maybe I am getting too weird with all my therapy. But I have to say I thought that was the sweetest conversation ever. I was so grateful he taught that to her. I don't know if she will remember it. I don't know if it will alter her life. I don't know. 

I know that for all of my life I have apologized for things. I have taken responsibility for things that aren't even my responsibility.  I apologize for things I HAD NOTHING to do with. Someone can trip and I have nothing to do with it, and I apologize!

I can't remember for sure but I do believe I learned somewhere from all my reading that it is a symptom of being codependent. I really have learned to like the important concept that people need to feel their own feelings. Sadness, hurt, whatever. I can't and shouldn't do anything about it (you know, other than show compassion). If I try to take away all the pain it is actually doing a disservice to the other person because they don't get to learn the lessons that come along with their feelings. That has been a relief to me.

Tonight we went and saw Lincoln. I quite enjoyed it. I have not been a fan of Daniel Day-Lewis. But I really enjoyed him as Lincoln. I might have to like him after all. Plus I love the fact that he has been married to the SAME wife for 16 years. Go Danny! 

I know very little about history. I had the weirdest history teacher known to all man kind. And then, the other one I had was the meanest history teacher known to all mankind (Although he did a good job). So I don't know if Lincoln was really like this or if this was just the spin they put on him in the movie, but I absolutely loved how gentle he was. He seemed so very loving and kind to everyone. He seemed humble. I super liked that.

My friend, Linda, is going back to school for history. She LOVES it. I am excited for her new adventure and I am excited for her to share all her new knowledge with me.

Kate breaks my heart sometimes. She almost can't be made happy. I play with her but then she is so mad and pouty when I stop. If I don't want to hold her she gets mad and pouty. I just so worry that she is empty in her bucket of getting enough lovin's. I try to love her whenever she asks but it is just never enough for her. She has convinced the neighbor's kittens to like her. She has been working VERY hard at gaining their friendship. She tells them "No one else will be friends with me". 
Super heart break!

I LOVE that Justine was willing to wear the Powder Puff Girl wig in order to be Emily Elizabeth to Kate's Clifford. Nice sister.

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Hello, my old friend.

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