Wednesday, February 20, 2013

plain and simple chaos!

I really prayed hard today that I might have more compassion for others. I have witnessed it lately, a friend who can weep for other's pain. It is beautiful. I want my compassion for other's to increase.

"The ultimate source of a happy life is warm-heartedness. This means extending to others the kind of concern we have for ourselves. On a simple level we find that if we have a compassionate heart we naturally have more friends. And scientists today are discovering that while anger and hatred eat into our immune system, warm-heartedness and compassion are good for our health." -The 14th Dalai Lama

So today I learned something fairly AMAZING. Did you even know that the Chinese food cartons totally open up INTO. A. PLATE!!!!!!

It is 100% true. I saw it on "Anderson". They showed one. Where has that knowledge been all my chinese eating years! I really like that show "Anderson". He's funny.

I have to give the lesson this Sunday in Relief Society (the women's meeting). I am 100% terrified. I have only been working on it EVERY DAY!! So hard.

And...I  just can't stand this....

It is horrifically fabulous!!!! I adore it.

Justine is so terrified of sharks. Did you know we are going to One Direction in California this year? I want to go whale watching. I mentioned it to Justine and she almost panicked right there in front of me! She got all shivery and couldn't even talk about it. She's me. And my mom. All phobia'd out.

Today I had to do something super tragic. Remember Justine's yummy birthday cake? It was really one of the best ones ever. 

At my friend's kid's wedding, they had a sheet cake. My other friend, Viki, who has taken all these classes on cake decorating, has become quite the expert. She made this cake for me in trade for ironing for my other friend whom I traded for pictures....Make sense?

Isn't that outstanding?

She and I were discussing how the sheet cake frosting was made out of shortening. 


UHHH!!!! GROSS!!!!!!

But it tastes so good. And I know if it is good frosting if it makes my teeth STING.For reals.

So when we made Justine's cake we got the recipe from Viki how to make that frosting. And it truly was to die for. 

However...yesterday I had the weakest food day ever. I ate and indulged. If I do that I do not consider it a failure if I plan it out. Like I know we are going somewhere and I am going to eat (Like Nacho cheesy goodness at the super bowl party). But when I just start going crazy with whatever and I am just eating... then it is a failure. 

And yesterday the leftover frosting in the freezer and the graham cracker's in the cupboard....called my name. And that combination has more calories in it than my whole daily allowance.

And they were DELICIOUS.

And today...brace yourselves, this is so very terrible....I dumped the rest of that wonderful frosting down the sink. I certainly "should" have saved it for a cake for later. But I couldn't have it around me. It is stronger than me. 

And now it is gone. *Cry*

Here is the recipe for you though!!!!

1/2 cup Crisco (I KNOWWWW, SO TERRIBLE!!! It is almost not even a food item! It's almost like eating Vaseline!)
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp Salt
4 Tbls water
1 pound sifted powder sugar.

And she said you could use other flavors besides vanilla.  I don't even know what to do with that information! Does that mean you can make it strawberry? Or Lemon? Or Mint? Hallelujah!

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Hello, my old friend.

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