Wednesday, February 6, 2013

In case you care....

During the first few visits with Kristopher, he taught me about positive proclamations.One of the main purposes of positive proclamations is to reduce anxiety and to help you deal with difficult situations. Positive Proclamations is saying things to your self like  "I don't like it that's okay I can take it anyway." I know that one sounds so cheesy but it is so darn easy to remember (I think that is it's purpose) that I say that one all the time to myself.

Learning all these new ideas in therapy was such a trip. At first it was like such a foreign language. But now some of the things he has taught me are so ingrained in me. Like when the kids say...(Justine is the worst at this) "She MAKES me so mad", I cringe. Not just because no one can "make" you feel a certain way but more importantly...why would you so easily hand over the control and power over yourself. Why are you giving permission for all these other people to "make" you feel something. It now, is almost offensive to me.

Kristopher always says the real therapy happens after you leave his office because that is when your brain changes and processes all this stuff. I have found that to be oh so true. I have a SHOE BOX full of notebooks (duck taped and hidden of course!) of all my journaling where I am figuring things out. I have the books he assigned for me to read, marked and written in so much, that I cannot even loan them out now because they are too private. I have spent almost a year living and breathing therapy. My friends are sick of me. :)

The one place my efforts are lacking though is in the Positive Proclamations theory. Kristopher says if you say those positive things to yourself for three weeks, 25 times a day, three times a day, your brain will start to change and you will feel better.

I decided (again) I needed to commit to it. Whenever  I continue my cycle of despair, Kristopher's answers are always the same. Think more, feel less, and "Not everyone is going to like me", "I can't stop fix or control everything",  He will start reciting to me Positive Proclamations that I should already be reciting to myself.

I made myself a bunch of little cards that have the Positive Proclamations on them that ring true to me. Or touch a chord with me. I laminated them and colored them because that is how I am. I figured I would scatter them around places so I can have them ready to read throughout my day.

When the beginning of my "breakdown" (which is now really my "break through") happened, on one of those first few visits with Kristopher, he gave me a little laminated card that had some general Positive Proclamations on it.

I slept with that card for nearly two weeks! No one knew. Not even Corey. I would lay it under my pillow or just inside my pillow case and I would hold it until I fell asleep  I would literally wake up at night and find it and rest  my hand on it and go  back to sleep. I was in so much distress.  That silly little card was the only hope I had. It was my only tie to the peace and solutions that Kristopher had offered me in a world of confusion. I would hide it under my mattress during the day and then pull it back out at night. I know it sounds insane. I know it does. But I was sad. And he offered me hope.

When I look back to that I can see how far I have come. Most days I can feel how far I have come. My upsetedness is much less now.

Yesterday I went to the women's group. Therapy is painful painful sometimes. Weird things come to the surface that you don't always understand. Kristopher helps me understand. He guides me through it. At group, Kristopher said something to me and it triggered a reaction from me and I was pretty sad and I started to get really mad about it.

Today I had my regular appointment.

Before my appointment, I sent him a text saying I was upset and why. And that I didn't want to come see him today.

He sent me back a text that said "See you at 11:00". Lol.

And I went. I have too great of respect and gratitude for him to ditch him, even if I am mad.

Turns out, he was glad that what he said had inadvertently pushed my buttons. And he was glad I told him about it because it shows assertiveness (he believe in power for women). And he was glad it opened up some "hurts" to talk about. He is so therapyish. I can't even be mad at him because he turns it into a good therapeutic step. I appreciate his clarity. It is God send. It just is.

He actually thanked me for having the courage to keep my appointment. And he said that the therapy he does is like going to a physical therapist where they stretch your joints and maneuver your bones and it h.u.r.t.s.

He said he is not going to be the therapist that holds your hand and just comforts you all the time. He is there to push you and give you the skills to get better.

And...he said to think more and feel less.

The following is from the book "Healing Your Aloneness". It is the concept Kristopher has been trying to teach me from the very beginning. It starts off by talking about how people will go to huge lengths to avoid disapproval from others and to GET love.

"Many people mistakenly believe that their best feeling comes from getting something from someone else-connection, attention, sex, approval,understanding, acceptance, love-rather than realizing that their best feeling comes from giving love and understanding to themselves and others. They believe that their best feeling comes from outside themselves, rather than from inside. When you believe this, you find yourself always wanting more and more from someone or something- more sex, affection, attention, approval, or time with someone; or more food, drugs, alcohol, material possessions, money, or power- and never feeling that what you're getting is enough. This false belief is at the heart of addiction and co dependence."

Something, something  something "...until you decide it is your own responsibility to learn to connect deeply and lovingly with your own Inner Child and experience feelings that are better than those achieved from another person."

Kristopher is trying to get me to understand that my "best" feeling must come from myself. That it feels best when others opinions don't matter and you realize you have yourself and that is a good person to have.

He says I am eating clam chowder from a can and if I can figure out to do this... a whole new world will open up to me. And I will be eating fresh clam chowder from New England sitting by the ocean side watching a guy even catch the clams. And it will be FUN.

is it weird that I adore clam in really ADORE clam chowder...

...........and Kristopher used a

c.l.a.m c.h.o.w.d.e.r

analogy on me....?

Freaks me out a bit.

I don't know if any of that made sense. It is hard to explain it without giving too much of me away. Blah.

Here are a few recent songs that sooth my soul. In case you care.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Viki said...clam chowder=puking a bit! but don't need my approval to like's okay, you can like it anyway! lol. love ya'!

Suzanne said...LOVE the CARDS!! You have inspired me, Susan! I'm going to make some for me ~ I am in need of them! Thanks for sharing ~ what a great idea!!

Michelle said...I think I need to delve into this deeper. I have been feeling painfully lonely lately. PAINFULLY. It's hard to know when it's okay to just feel what you feel and have that not be something "wrong" in need of therapeutic help, y'know? Is it okay just to feel lonely and be hurt by that? Or does it mean that I am wrong and shouldn't feel that way and my Inner Child needs to go to the naughty corner??? This is where I get stuck sometimes. I've been reading some things and I hear this one woman saying how you just love what IS and accept it~ but everything outside yourself is just what it IS, but how you react to it is generally wrong and needs fixing. As if we shouldn't have any negative feelings at all and if we do then it's something wrong with us. That bothers me! It feels very invalidating. And it doesn't bring me the peace she says it's supposed to. Maybe I need a Kristopher, too. I know I have the Savior. The peace I have comes from Him, always. But there is much that needs to be translated to my soul in this messed up world because I can't make sense of it and put it in the proper perspective in spite of all I *know* and believe. I am so glad you have someone who is helping you, sweet friend. And I am so glad I have you as a sweet friend who is willing to share these things

Melanie said...Susan, if you aren't reading it right now, let Michelle borrow the book I lent you?

Susan said...Michelle, I have no answers. How is that for comforting. But here is what I am learning. Feeling what you feel is never "wrong". But there may be deeper reasons that you feel those things. Like a deeper reason for the underlying sadness. And then you may have anxiety, addiction, depression. I completely agree that the real peace should come from the Savior. I am working on that still. And all I know is the peace I feel in Kristopher's office and the way I was given him like a gift the minute I needed it was all in God's doing. So I believe God and the science of Kristopher's therapy work together.

Susan said...Melanie! Okay!!! I am not because I have been working on the assigned ones. But Kristopher did have that one on his shelf.

Melanie said...I know, I saw it.

Michelle said...I hope I didn't come off as anything other than internally frustrated~ I in no way felt critical of you, of how you're working through things or of Kristopher~ not at all! I admire the heck out of you~ I worry how things come across in comment boxes. I worry how things come across in comment boxes. I am just having a hard time figuring certain things out is all. I am HUGE digger~ the reasons matter to me and I am not afraid to search for them and face them. It's just that sometimes I feel like "Hey. I've done all the digging I can do here, and at the bottom of the hole, the only thing I see is that that person really was a jerk to me and it hurt and I think that should be okay." (now, how I act on that feeling is another story, I get that.) I need more words, I think. I'm fresh out and feel like I can't quite quantify what I'm trying to say. So now I sound like a mental case ha ha Ah well. I agree with you wholeheartedly about "God and the science of..." We so need these wise souls to help us on our journey! I love wise souls. Angelic guides, really.

Christina Gutke I like the cat drawing on one of your note cards
Thursday at 12:27pm via mobile · Unlike · 1

Susan said...It looks like jaffy! Michelle, you are FINE! I wasn't feeling criticed and I understand what you are saying!

Christina said...It does look like my Jaffy!

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...