Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I cannot think of a title. Just stuff!


I am still thinking about Les Mis. That is because I have listened to the CD more than 100 TIMES! And that is not an exaggeration  I love it so so much. It is beautiful and moving. Some of my kids do not love it with me. The nerve. 

But my girl Kassidy?

She LOVES it too. And I love that about her. She and I have had some REAL bonding time singing over Les Mis. When she sings she gets her hand in a fist up in the air getting all dramatic. And I love that she loves it with me.

So before I show you a plethora of pictures, let me discuss group. I was 1/2 an hour late! I literally lost my brain and thought it was at a different time. My group buddy and Kristopher called me to tell me I was late and I informed him I missed the memo of the time change. He had to tell me we have been doing it at this time for the entire time and I was late....

I argued. Then.... 


Oh. You're right.

WHAT IN THE WHAT!!!!! My. brain. is. FRIED. people  I am scared of myself.! I. am.in. charge. of children!!!!. Scary. I completely was confused at what time group started just because my brain is melting. And I quit drinking caffeine and aspartame this week. SO EXPLAIN THAT ONE TO ME, PEEPS????!!!!!!

Okay...so...I made Kristopher this present for his new office warming gift. My friend did the vinyl...okay,okay... and designed the wording.

But I applied it and we all know that is the tricky part. Kristopher's mantra.

Cute huh? He even said cute. He is so in touch with his feminine side to be able to say cute. I get in fake trouble at work if I ever say the boys shoes are cute. Honest.

So...Kristopher has been doing a lot of changes. He is taking on associates and training them the way he does things. I am excited. I think it is a great plan.  But that means he wants some of these therapists to "shadow" him and join in on our sessions.

I feel great support in the fact that these people need to be trained and sometimes people are the guinea pigs for that. But hello??? I have to hide behind a pillow or have Kristopher avert his eyes to talk to him! How do I have another therapist join in?

But "Kristopher says" (My friends and kids are so tired of hearing that lol, no really. They aren't laughing.) when we can share our "stuff" with everyone and be loud and proud about our struggles we will be healed. And that means sharing it with some random shadowy therapist. We will see. 

I told Kristopher I was ready to talk about anything. Apparently that is a good sign because he got excited. 

So we have been having a fun summer and I haven't been keeping my blogging up. Here is one fun thing we did! 

Watched my darling neice (who has a masters btw) get married.

This girl shines pure love and beauty from the inside out. She is a gift to the world.

and then checked out the fun cabin of our relatives...

Played horse shoes....

Grandpa Dale and Uncle Frank

Rhett and Uncle David

Sitting around chatting

Aunt Sherri

 Aunt Debbie, Uncle Jerry

Bo, cousin Macey, Kate

Cousin in law Jason and Rhett

Grandpa and Grandma

Uncle Dan

Aunt Sherri


Uncle Frank

Cousin time in the movie theater! Justine, Bo, Macey...

The brothers doing what they do best...Dutch oven potatoes!!!!

 And...... playing in these crazy cars. Lost of Fun!



Pushing it. They ran out of power. lol.

The thing I like about being of modest means is that when my children get to do things like play on crazy cars..it is a BIG deal for them. It makes them appreciate their blessings more.

Fun day. I love family. It is always so weird. You get put into random families and then random people marry into your family but you are bound to them because they are your family. And therefore you love and have fun with them. I like it.

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