Sunday, June 2, 2013

Popcorn Mania

I have always loved to write. Loved loved loved.

I always wrote stories as a girl. Just for fun. Like my Kassidy does.

I would journal every day. I think when I moved out of the house I had about fourteen completed journals.

I wrote poetry and loved participating in school creative programs like art shows and school magazines.

When I went to college I took every English class I could. I loved the creative writing class. I still have one or two of my college text books from those classes that I just loved.

I was even so so close to being published in our church magazine. I wasn't published because it was a fictional story and they thought people would believe it to be true. It was entitled "Good girls gone Bad".

Bahaha. That is the most ridiculous title on planet earth.

I guess I am sharing this to give one an understanding of why I blog so very much.

Writing is just who I am and who I always have been. A blog has just been a great forum for me to do so and it has been such a healthy outlet for me. Especially since I have been able to blog about therapy. I have figured things out through writing.

I write not out of obligation and not as a burden. It is a blessing to me to put my thoughts down. It is a blessing. It is not an effort to get it done. It has been a joy to document the life of my family and my own.

So whether my writing is good or bad, has proper grammar or not, is the most popular blogger out there....or not, I write for me. And I share...for fun. It mostly enriches my life to share and feel connection with those who care.

I recently received some feed back that I am participating in therapy for attention. It stung. I assume (I could be wrong) the feed back is coming from me sharing so many private things on my blog. It stung. Still.

I wondered if my blog and the things I share are just a joke to people and being critiqued very harshly when I am an idiot just feeling like it is just a happy place I go to journal.

I thought....I am just going to quit blogging or go private. I wondered if all of my therapy has been a sham and I just wanted attention. Honestly though...doesn't most of us want or need attention anyway? Why is that such a bad thing.

And then by night (right now) I am like... whatever.

I'm still doing my thing. Therapy, blogging, reading, mommying it up, singing or dancing in the car to good songs (car rules, right?) Fighting the food battle (or some days...not. Grr) and staying up too late.

So I am moving on from hurtful comments.

Today I planted a few more flowers. My money is tight but it brings me great joy so it will be worth it. I think there is a proverb or old saying about it.

Now I am going to make my kids their yearly certificates for our end of the school year party that we are doing tomorrow. Frozen pizza (lame I know), orange crush floats, and popcorn mania and movies.

I have been planning the popcorn ever since I saw the idea at a wedding.  You take these shakers from a dollar store....

 and you make some kind of cute label....and then you fill them with different things. We will have one for....

Cheese powder (bulk section)

Lime jello

Raspberry jello

Chocolate powder

Cinnamon and sugar

Parmesan cheese

Ranch dip powder

and then the kids can go to town making their own fun popcorn flavors.

FUN, RIGHT? I think you could use taco seasoning also....

Justine cracked me up tonight. Nathan, who is younger, went to hang out with friends. Justine does not really hang out much. She likes home, I guess. So Nathan was gone and when she found out she was all shocked and sad. "But we were going to watch Charles in Charge!!" and "He is the only one who likes to watch One Direction with me!"

I love it. I love when the kids love each other. It makes this large family worth every ounce of stress. I wanted my children to have siblings more than anything. I was lonely with just a brother. So I gave them what I didn't have. But.... who knows if that was right. I probably shouldn't try to live my wishes out through them.

Got to go make labels!

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