Thursday, June 20, 2013

no frustration allowed


How are you all?

Good I hope.

Sometimes I feel like if I talk about Kristopher too much it annoys you or bores you. Whoever "you" are anyways. Sheesh. I can write whatever I want, right?

So today was my therapy session. And he told me something that I just want to plant in my kids little psyche's so they will remember it and ponder on it.

But first... HOW CUTE, RIGHT?

So today he told me he just doesn't get mad or that riled up. He said he has his frustration tolerance so very high that he just doesn't.

He said that maybe he was crazy. But that he will do things on purpose that cause him stress just to prove that he can handle it and to increase his frustration tolerance.

I found it interesting because while the rest of the world is running from anything that might hurt or cause fear or stress, he is going towards it to get over it and prove to himself he can deal with it.

We had a nice session. We have come to an understanding between us, and we are making some great progress now. 

I'm going to make it after all. I am pretty sure. But I still need a DVD player for the car. 

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