Thursday, September 26, 2013

Church is paying off!

Kate can be quite a little bossy sassy pants. She doesn't hesitate to be a bit grumpy to Justine either. Justine told me today that she was being mean to her and then she said, "Oh just kidding, you're a daughter of God."

Lol. Love it. She is growing up a lot and it is awesome.

Bo is doing good on his meds although I believe he has developed a tick or two. I think I will keep them private because I don't want people watching for them. Basically at this point you have to decide if the negative of the ticks out weigh the benefits of the meds. Sheesh. So sad. But he is very smart and catching up everyday he is able to concentrate. I am discouraged that I didn't medicate him sooner but then today someone asked if his pupils were dilated and it reminded me that that happened years ago when he was on meds before and then it reminded me why I fight the meds.

After talking to the neurologist about him I realized that I have ticks as well and have had so for probably 30 years. I am not telling what those are either! Lol. I have thought for a very long time I have a mild case of Tourette's syndrome. I know that sounds crazy because every one is use to Tourette's being that thing were you burst out in swear words. But it isn't always that.

Also my cousin was diagnosed with Tourette's so it could be true.

I have been promising the kids for years we were going to have a Harry Potter Marathon and get a baby sitter for Kate and WATCH EVERY SINGLE ONE. They have a day off school soon and we are doing it! Can't wait! Does anyone have them we could borrow?

School is going ok. I feel like it might just be the best thing I have done for myself in a long time. It keeps me going so I don't get depressed. I always have something to work on. And part of me feels really proud to be working towards my degree.

Justine had to go the the orthodontist, have all her permanent retainers removed, go the dentist, have three cavities filled, go back to the orthodontist and have all the retainers put back on. Only 375.00 dollars out of pocket also. UGH!!!!!!! But the poor girl. frustrating. The dental staff decided they may give her a Valium next time because she gets SO upset at the shot at the dentist. Yep, she's my kid. (I don't mind the shot though. It's the sound and smell of that DRILL!)

Oh well, I have to go to bed. I have a cold AGAIN!!!! I never get sick. Now twice in a very short time. Bugs me. I don't get enough sleep.

I love this by the way...I think it is SO TRUE!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...