Tuesday, September 17, 2013

movies and group

So...I am watching a new series on Hulu that I really love . It is called Breaking Pointe and it is about ballerinas. Men and women. It is so exiting! I love it. Does anyone else watch it?

I am deciding that I REALLY love the online class. It's only a few days in but I like it. I like sitting in my home (I am a HOMEBODY) and doing little assignments and submitting things etc. It is fun. But it is literally MAKING me eat. Like literally. I am struggling.

So a few weeks ago we went to Uncle Frank and Aunt Sherri's house to watch a movie in the garage. It was super fun. I sat in the very back and texted the whole time. But I got to sit by my little Rhett and he had smuggled enough chocolate to keep my stocked the whole movie long. It was awesome. 

As much as I miss rocking my babies, I LOVE that I can go places and relax mostly now. The little kids are becoming mostly self sustaining at occasions. It is a gift.

So here we are...

So fun! Thanks relatives! For being so cool.

I never finished California. Can you believe it??? I got distracted it. I will have to get back on task. But I did want to show you my Rhett. He is just one competent kid. Once Kristopher told me that when you have dyslexia you are given other skills. Rhett is. He loves to work and he can figure stuff out. Big time.

He babysat a lot while I was in California. Cause the girls were with me and Nathan had to go to scout camp. He did so well and Corey was so impressed with him that Corey bought him half a bike. That means a lot coming from his dad.

He is only 11 (in large families that is not too young at all to babysit) and he held down the fort. He even kept the house very clean. Here's pictures of our cruddy bedrooms. (We are redoing them very soon) But he like even cleaned the bedrooms and everything! Love him!

Yeah...my boys sleep in a yellow room. What about it???

J/k. It's terrible! I am repainting SOON.

Kristopher cancelled group. For ever. Kinda broke my heart because we had developed relationships with the girls in the group. I was sad. Good thing me and one of the girls had already secretly been "seeing" each other on the side. Lol. We can just have our own group. At an ice cream shop. So there! And I won't force her to talk about anything she doesn't want to and she won't tell me I have to do hard things! It's going good already!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...