Friday, September 20, 2013

I'm teacher's pet.

Wow. A change in the tide has occurred.

I might not be bad at school after all.

Somehow, in the group the teacher divided us up into, I was the ONLY one who had read the chapter and filled out the chapter paper work. Even the kid who has worn a tie every day to class hadn't read the chapter!

What. in. the. world.

I think the other kids had it figured out more than I did that it apparently wasn't crucial to read every single line in the chapter and that this teacher is pretty relaxed.

SO while I was in a panic trying to get every single thing done...they were worrying about it...nada.

So while I was crying to a therapist about how I couldn't do it...they were worrying about it.....nada.

While I was reading page after page about liberals and conservatives and radicals, they were worrying about it.... NADA!!!!!

I totally looked like the smart one!!!!! I even managed to talk out loud in our group of 4. I know Kristopher would be so proud. And I survived. Young people are very nice.

After class another youthful student came up to me and said we could study together. She was also so cute when she said it was so great I was going back to school because we have to take care of ourselves because we are out most important trophy. Or something like that. I can't remember her exact working. But it was all beautiful and flashy. She was cute.

Another "mature" lady joined the class. She and I are the only two older ones there. I am seriously surprised by that.

So it is a DARN good thing Justine was not at Walmart with me the other day. She might have STROKED out at the disrespect shown to her boys. When she saw these pictures she wasn't even amused. Not even a tiny little bit!

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Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...