Tuesday, September 24, 2013


ummmm.....did you guys know about seat warmers??????

They are FABULOUS.

I will NEVER be able to go without one again. Unless I have to drive our van. Then I will.

But...we got a "new to us" car.

Our same cute car salesman...

And this car has seat warmers. And they are glorious. Especially since I am colder now that I have lost weight.

I know. We have gotten a lot of cars in the past few months. But the stress of having to constantly...and I mean constantly....break down, or worry about breaking down, or watching YouTube videos to try to fix the cars, or calling Cousin Scott for help, was finally getting to Corey. We had three cars that were 1990ish. Very early ish. We haven't had a car payment in probably 15 years.

So now we are a little stressed with car payments and insurance rising but it just really had to be. So we will adjust. Also I could no longer drive all the kids to their appointments with one car. I needed a vehicle for the kids to use. It was doing me in!

Here is our front parking lot now. We are selling the three junkers. I love Kate out there with her little piggy tails loving that cat!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i adore seat warmers too. have them on almost always from October through like April. And then whenever else I'm cold.

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