Monday, September 13, 2010

More crying

Well now I have to have an actual real life root canal! ME! A root canal! I never would have thunk it!

Today I took Kassidy and Rhett in for a dental appointment. My tooth still hurts from the temporary crown. Actually that tooth has bothered me for years but I just don't do a lot of chewing on that side. If I do I sometimes get "zinged" if i bite down on something a little two hard. So the dentist (whom I am growing very attached to in a patient sort of way) thinks I better get a root canal and is sending me to a root canal specialist. So the crying begins and so does my wackiness.

Cry cry cry to the dentist and receptionist in the waiting room. Wipe wipe wipe my tears.

Me: "this is so stupid!" cry cry cry.
Him: "no it isn't"
Me: "this is so stupid!" wipe wipe wipe. I am referring to the fact that I am crying and the appointment isn't even mine yet and that I am such a wanny pants.
Him: "No it isn't"
Me: "This is so stupid! I am going to need a Valium." Cry Cry Cry.
Him: "No it isn't, really"
Me: "This is so ridiculous"
Him: "no it isn't. My mom has a Valium when she comes in to see me."

Huh? Wha???? That stopped me for a minute.

Me:"Your mom really needs to be sedated to see her own son? That is so ridiculous!" Cry cry cry.
Him: "No it isn't"

Isn't he nice? Isn't it weird his mom has to be sedated to see him?

So when they talk to me about which specialist they want me to see I inform him that my husband has a man crush on one of them. They think that is pretty funny. But it is true and Corey doesn't deny it. He kept talking about how Tom Sellecky this guy was and how tall he was and how fast he was at fixing his tooth.

So I guess I am going to see him. Corey insists it was a joy to get that tooth fixed and it didn't even hurt at all.

Ugh! I am not happy.

On a lighter note.....Congratulations to my Rhett who had his first time ever REAL dental appointment without puking on some one. Or puking at all. Rhett has an insane gag reflex. INSANE! He has had to be knocked out for all his dental work thus far. But today he got the job done! I asked him if he just turned magic or something! He had no answer except that he was watching TV while they worked in his mouth. Normally if you even lean him back in the chair he starts gagging. So well done my little son! I will try to make you proud for my root canal.

Bleck, ack, gag, cry cry cry.


Pirate Princess said...

They had to knock Austin out - and to prevent further visits, they shellacked him pretty dang good! Adam handles it better than I do!

Cry away Susan! Crying is better than the panic attacks I go through! I'm so internally hysterical over the medications they pump you full of - too many issues from past stuff has left me frantic about it!

Unknown said...

:( Poor Susan. . . I've never had a root canal but I wish you luck, and hope that dentist really is Tom Selleck-y for you. :)

Susan said...

Mary said...Rhett showed his manhood sign for you..think Corey should take the pain for you ha

Corey said... I actually don't think it was Tom Sellecky becasue I refused to go to him. I heard that he is mean, rough and causes unnecessary pain. I went to a different guy... But it was the best dential experience I have ever had... All my life I heard horror stories about Root canals, but mine was very pleasant and a good experience.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...