Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oh yeah, I still got it, uh huh.

I didn't realize I would be writing a blog so soon about drunkness, but here we are again.....

I love to go out to dinner with friends. All girls probably do, but I just love friends. So I am out to dinner with a group of my besties and we had a fun night laughing and cracking up and actually talking about how old we have become because we found ourselves not feeling flexible in our new choice of restaurant (we usually always go to the same one) and we kept saying things like, "kids these days spend way to much time on video games" and "when we were kids we would never have a play date, we would just go in the neighborhood and find a kid to play with" and other various old people comments.

So imagine our surprise when as we were leaving and our "talk in the foyer for another 2o minutes" time was ruined by a gentlemanly suitor. He just so happened to be leaving at the same time and was trying to hold the door for us. But we weren't ready to go out the door. He awkwardly decided to come back in. We were momentarily befuddled by what he was doing and hoped he was leaving because we had more girl chat to do. But he stood right next to me and was striking up conversation with me which included close up talking and asking if I was married twice. I was like the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa trying to keep my distance. He asked if I go "out". I said no and he said he didn't either. He said he gets too tired and I agreed. He said that the boys at the bar all thought we were cute girls. Which just cracked me up because we are all oblivious to that kind of world anymore. I hadn't thought one inkling of a second about who might be at the bar.... We have 29 kids between the 6 of us! He talked to me for a bit more and then we found a polite way to get out of there. It cracked me up as all my friends were just staring at me like what is going on here? And hoping the leaning tower didn't tip.

Anyways he was friendly enough and aside from talking to close my way, being drunkish, I wasn't really concerned by him. And I was glad to see he was walking toward the hotel and not a car (and I hope not the river either). Then as we were leaving (forced to do so early by pick up lines) he told my other friend that I was cute twice and to watch out for me.

We got in my van and laughed our heads off.

Is it totally pathetic that my self esteem was given a boost by a drunken man? Cause it was. I pretty much was just the lucky girl who was standing closest to the door where he was. I don't care. I got picked up on. And it was funny. And it took my mind off my root canal (whole nother post) and I went to bed laughing and woke up laughing and I even snorted a little because the whole thing was just a riot. To us. Maybe lamo to you. But we are boring folk and it was funny. To us.


Pirate Princess said...

I think that's awesome. =)

Unknown said...

"We are boring folk"...really???? Speak for yourself please! lol

Anonymous said...

I haven't been on for awhile and I laughed and laughed! Your life and mine are so much alike in such "Lucy and Ethel" ways! Keep right on blogging....You are entertaining ME!

Susan said...

Camy said...Susan!! It wasn't just because you were closest to the door. It's because you're a beautiful person. I'm sorry I missed out last night. Sounds like you had a blast. Luv ya!!
Linda said...We missed you Camy! And you missed a truly classic moment of hilarity! Do people not realize that if they've been drinking that there's just the teensiest possibility that they may be acting inappropriately and they should keep quiet? Bahahaha! Still laughing.

Christina said...I have been chuckling about it all day!

Tiffany it :)

Susan said...Why? You like trivia.

Kim said...Woo hoo! (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

Hello, my old friend.

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