Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Appreciation for husband,Sunday, the 33rd

This week I must take time to pause and appreciate Corey coming home alive from hiking the Middle Teton. He has become quite the hiker. It is keeping him healthy and in the mountains he loves so much. I keep encouraging him to start a blog (Feel free to submit good names) as a means of a life history for his children. He is having some adventures many people don't/wont/cant/shan't have. Like me for instance. I basically hate adventure. I really love just being at home and doing house wifeish things. I have no desire for the level of excitement he does. I have no desire for hardly any level of excitement. I am so my mom in that area. Lets make it clear though, I do love going to a good movie or GNO night with friends. Or even a scrapbooking sleepover retreat. I can handle that for sure.

I didn't mean to turn out so boring. I just did. But I am happy.

So a few weeks ago when Corey went to hike the Middle Teton, he sends me a text from on the mountain that says he is in a sticky spot and is a little bit trapped on the mountain but not to worry. He is only a little bit nervous. Also that he can't go down so he is going to go back up and try to get unstuck. And that he loved me.


I maybe should be, but I am not really a worrier when it comes to Corey's adventures. I can't be or I would be worried all the time. But since two people have died this year on the Middle Teton I know it is dangerous. So after not hearing from him for about 4 hours I did start to wonder what I should do about the situation. Just as I was going to start to panic he text me and had just made it down the hill. He insists that was the soonest he could text me to tell me he was safe but I have my doubts....

Enjoy the pictures...

1 comment:

Susan said...

Mary said...great blog as you know Ken and Corey are very much alike(adventuresome)I've had 38 yrs. of adventure!! Now that he is 63(not that there is anything wrong with that)I worry more,will he remember where he lives, how to get there etc.haha,actually when he ventures out alone, which is mostly the case!!!!!We need to be greatful for there love of the great outdoors,our love for the great indoors-opposites attract.....:)

Mary said...I meant their love-oops...I do love all the pics tho-nature is an amazing gift

Mary again-have to add Ken's spirit and zest for life is one of the main reasons I love and admire him so much..wish I was more like that♥,happy he passed that on to Ryan and Collin....

Linda J. said...I just wish he'd find a buddy to hike with. Too bad Brett doesn't live closer.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...