Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kronicles of Kate

A few weeks ago my little sweetie had a run in with a friend's dog. I didn't see it happen but I am wondering if she must have hurt him because the dog has never been in "trouble" before. But he yelped and barked and scratched/bit her little face. Very sad. And she had a little slit under her chin where the claw/tooth must have sliced her open a tiny bit. She even had a tiny bit of her baby fat pushing out. It was so sad. I took her to the Doctor and he glued it up instead of a stitch or two, per my request, so I was glad about that. Also 10 day of antibiotics.

The next day she got an infection. I debated all day what to do about it. Maybe the antibiotics just needed more time to kick in. That night at 11:30pm I decided I need to run her into the ER. Her chin was progressively getting redder and redder. The doctor poked a big needle in her chin and pushed enough infection out that the nurse even commented on it. It got better from there. Scary!

I know the pictures are heart breaking. She kept telling me owie and calling the scratches her "slivers". It was cute. She get slivers from our wood deck often that we remove and I guess that is what she relates pain to. "Owie, my slivers" So sweet. Also she keeps saying "I hug doggie and he cry." Thankfully she is not scared of dogs and keeps laying all over ours like nothing ever happened. Little sweet potato that she is.

Bruises about a week later.

She would likely be scar free under her chin as well if she would QUIT picking the scab off every time it heals. Oh yeah, the reason there was a scab is becasue she picked the glue off! Ouch!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Nancy said...What fun grandma has with her!

Kim said...She is so spunky and sweet. I just love it. You will have so many stories to share with HER children! HAHA .... glad she is ok. :)

Terri said...Poor baby girl. I can't believe Ripley could do that damage, he is such a gentle dog. I am glad that she doesn't have PTSD over the whole thing.

Susan said...Kim- I wish I would have done a blog when my other kids were little. I have none of their fun stuff documented. :(

Terri- I know! Ripley has always been so nice.... She has ZERO PTSD! She is still a maniac!

Melanie said...Poor baby girl!

Amy said...So sorry little Kate!

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