Well, my appreciation for husband day is going to have to be curtailed a few days because I can't find the right pictures, but don't worry, I am working on it.
Sooo.... on to more trivial topics...
I FINALLY got to go see Eclipse.... even though.... it should be against my moral compass. I was quite annoyed waiting for it to come to the cheap theatres. Then it sorta stank because the words were ever so off and it was frustrating, but cheap nonetheless. And with a good friend and three cute teens. And pretty good popcorn. So, worth the wait I suppose.
I still LOVE to death Edward. He is so soft and gentle and when he is not trying to suck blood..., refined. And did any ones else swoon when he explained the whole thing to Bella about him being alive in an era where he would have courted Bella and sipped ice tea on a porch with her in an old fashioned gentlemanly way, and ask her father permission to court her and marry her etc.... And then did anyone wonder if Bella felt like a really scuzzy sleazy hussy bag right then?, trying to seduce him in that grotesque manner? And then did anyone wonder WHAT in the world Edward sees in this young tart? Bella should have been embarrassed after his lovely speech but it didn't look like it fazed her. Have some class, Bella!. I just don't think you deserve Edward. Maybe Jacob, but not Edward.
The other thing I was defiantly noticing about this movie was many of the characters had really bad hair. I could name names (Jasper)

Exhibit A: (from Eclipse) Side burns way too long and birds making preparations to nest in his hair.

Exhibit B: (from Eclipse) Hair not so bad here but my confidence has waned as to what the back might look like, and once again...side burns way too long. But hello Hussy, ...I mean Bella! They made her look stunning in the movie. I thought. And I just really covet her tiny petiteness.

I like all three movies about the same though. They are about equal. Wow! What a waste of a blog post!
Oh! I just realized I never said anything about Jacob, the one everyone seems to ADORE! He's alright. I feel too motherly towards him. He seems too much like a kid for me to think too much about him. Even though my daughter and my friend spent the whole movie swooning over him. He's more like a teenager. But I like him, just not in that way. And I am glad his crazy fake long hair is gone, that is for sure!
Okay well, hopefully this next week will lead to more sophisticating topics, lest my posterity think I am a superficial quack.
BILLY!!! I ADORE Billy Burke! They really lucked out casting him as Charlie Swan. He's purrrrfect. =D I wish there was much more Carlisle in the movies - he's an important character in the book. I realize they concentrate on the stupid relationships of the triangle, but I get frustrated with the whole, "here's-the-cameo of-Carlisle-and-the-rest-of- the-vampires" thing. :-/
You hair comments are hysterical - I didn't notice. I DID know they all look rather bad compared to the other movies, thanks to Russ pointing it out a 100 times during the movie. (He takes me to them so he can tell everyone what a great husband he is. Haha - he's great anyway.)
And YES, she IS a hussy. But she's a hussy in the book. And yes, Jacob is the natural man archetype, which is what Bella is fighting against, vs. Edward being the Celestial archetype, which Bella aspires to be but can't do it alone - and no, she isn't worthy. Yet. ;)
You continue to crack me up with your youness! I do not find Jasper cute in the least degree and his hair probably has a lot to do with it. He should cut it and never, NEVER grow it out again. Anyway, I am sure the cast of Twilight would have a heyday analyzing me, so I will stop...but I agree with you COMPLETELY!
One more thing, I think Bella represents teenage girls now a little too much that it is scary. Girls are being taught (by the media and society) that it is their sexuality which gives them value so she feels valueless when he turns her down. I am glad they showed it because Edward put her in her place about it, which, let's face it, would not happen in the real world. ( I used too many commas in an inappropriate way )
Melanie said...Lol awesome blog!! But you didn't put in my "woo hoo" and the audience applause when Edward said "not til were married". At that minute I was totally in love with EDWARD!
Susan said...You are so right! That was classic!
Emily said...When I went on the opening night, the audience did not say that in response. I was totally disgusted with the audience when I went.
Melanie said...How odd. My theater broke into woops and applause when we were there opening night. Guess my theater had the good kids Lol! And susan I didn't feel at all maternal about Jake until I read your blog. Now its just weird! Guess im not really undecided anymore!
Susan said...Sorry to ruin it for you.
Melanie said...LOL! I still think he's hotter than Edward, but Edward just takes my breath away the way he looks at Hussy...I mean...Bella...Have you heard the song he sings on the New Moon soundtrack? I need to get that to you so you can hear it. I am so in love with it....It's called Never Think. Oh, this is funny. I had the cd in when I was going to your dad's house and suddenly Rhett said "This is my sisters favorite song!" (Bella's Lullaby"). It was cute.
Janae said...She's a TOTAL hussy...bless her!!
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