Monday, September 27, 2010

Khronicles of Kate and more.

Tonight marks the beginning of Kate's teenage rebellious years.

She referred to me as Susan!

Standing there in her little blue Care Bear Halloween costume, trying to get my attention over all the other yelling kids...she called me Susan!

We all loved it. We ate her up with hugs and squeezes and argued with her that I was mom. And she argued that I was Susan.

Sadly I don't have a picture, but we did the thing tonight that brings me great joy. Decorating the front porch for Halloween. The kids all love it and want to help. I think stretchy spider webs are the best invention ever. They can go on forever and they NEVER look bad.

So after we cleaned up a three inch flood in my bathroom (not the new one, PHEW) which led to leaking in the garage, Wah, and included using every last towel we own.... and a couple of quilts, which were all freshly put away after I had done the laundry, (not the quilts, we ripped those straight off beds), we resumed decorating. (Do you think that was even a real sentence?) And it looks great and creepy. The kids wrapped little skeletons into the spider web like the spider was preparing them for his feast. It is great. I will post a picture when it is done. I have to get corn stalks still....and every last little gourd I can afford. Hee Hee

Then for dinner we had my favorite Mexican Lasagna and discussed Samuel the Laminate from the Book of Mormon for Family Home Evening and practiced shooting little arrows at him and shooting rubber bands at him but he couldn't get killed. He was trying to preach to the wicked people who only cared about their riches but they tried to shoot him with arrows. They couldn't kill him and neither could we. He was just protected that way.... by you know who!


And then we had sour gummy worms and m&m's for dessert.

Then I yelled at kids to go to bed. Disappointingly, I am a yeller. I also yelled at the kids during the flood. Right before I yelled at them to stop yelling at each other because theses are the times that prove what kind of people we are. By how we are going to react to bad situations.

Now I have to clean out the garage.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I have to chime in because this weekend I also had a bathroom flood that drenched the garage, because my 6-year-old son figured the best way to fill his cheapo plastic squirt gun was to fill the bathroom sink ... and walk away ... to another state, apparently. But I did not handle it with the same aplomb as you. Real word.

I love reading your blog. Your love of life is infectious. Thank you.

Hello, my old friend.

It's been about six months since I have seen your face. I decided today that I needed you again, back in my life. School is all but a mi...