Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bo's team!

Sometimes I worry people don't like my little kids.  I know that my kids have a reputation (one that has been very hard earned thank you very much!) for being wild. They out grow it. But before they out grow it it is madness. Sometimes I see people "mugging" on other's kids and I feel sad that there has not been a lot of "mugging" going on on mine. But I also get it.

The past few Sundays I have watched Bo's new teacher with absolute delight in her listen intensely to every little word Bo says to her. She is a dear friend of mine. I feel extremely privileged to call her friend. I want to be just like her when I grow up. I feel beyond blessed that she is Bo's teacher. He can be exhausting. He can't sit still for minute. And she is EXCITED to teach him. And she already is a teacher to special needs children. So good for me that she has experience. I would think she would be a bit burned out but she seems happy to do it. And it gives me great relief. GREAT RELIEF. Because when he can't behave in church I get to spend time with him....even after he crawled on me all during the first hour of the church meeting. And did I mention I am just burned out? On Sunday I  sat with him a bit during primary just to try to control him a bit. After about 1/2 hour I just had to get up and tell her she was on her own. She was confused why I was sitting with him anyway. So grateful to have her and that she really seems to love him. It means more than there are even words for. Isn't she so lovely?

And I have already shared how beautiful and wonderful his school teacher is. She is as wonderful as they come.

And his speech therapist, James, has been in our lives for maybe 10 years now. He is fun and gentle and a boy type of boy. Bo adores him. He never complains about going to see him.

And now we have Nicholas. Bo's sensory integration therapist. Just as kind and genuine as James. We really like him just as well.

I feel very fortunate to have these people to help my sweet son. Bo is a huge love. It is hard to realize that but he is.

Last week I was sent an email from my one of my best childhood friends. She works with special needs children. She has often given me insight into helping my children.

She has been in my life for as long as I can remember. I am so grateful for Face Book to reconnect us. I remember spending the night at her house. She was always so good to me. I was riddled with anxiety. I was terrified to be the last one asleep. She always promised to not fall asleep before me.

I also remember us going to a movie. We saw Enemy Mine. Anyone else remember this slightly disturbing and awkward movie? LOL.

So Tiffany, some how, in her tender mercy angelic way, spread word amongst her friends about Bo. And they donated money for me to buy him some sensory integration tools. Tools for a disorder I don't really even understand yet. Tools that I don't even understand yet or have even heard of! Tools that are supposed to help Bo feel  safer in his own little world. I am so happy to have been enlightened of these tool. And now to have money to spend on some? Such a gift.

Here are a few other interesting things they make. What do I choose? :)  Also, what I have recently heard is that Sensory Integration is often mistaken for ADHD.

calming station

Bod Pod (That name makes me snicker like a 7th grade boy. I don't even know why!)

Cuddle me tunnel (This got a good review. I think I might make this. It was 50 dollars and I think I can sew it for cheaper. Kids are supposed to be able to sleep in it or watch TV in it to calm down.)

This two items are for chewing on. Bo is ALWAYS chewing holes through his clothes and believe it or not he still occasionally BITES!

You put this on his desk. For when he needs to just have some sensory stimulation. Is this strange and interesting or what!

weighted blanket

I googled how to make a weighted blanket. I think I might do that. I also know Bo has responded very well to a weighted pillow to have on his lap. And Nicholas recommended putting him in sports compression shirts. Tight shirts that make him feel like he is getting a hug all day. Apparently these things help sooth people with Sensory Integration.

This is definitely  new or us. I am grateful for the generosity of strangers to help me provide better for my sweet boy.  I am grateful for help and prodding to learn more about him. Thank you to my dear friend Tiffany and to my new friends who donated to a complete stranger and her son. It has touched my soul.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I remember that stupid movie!!!!! Creepy as all get out! AND, I love you!

Hello, my old friend.

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