Sunday, December 30, 2012

Family fun and it's not even New Years Eve Yet!

Last night could not have been more fun. (Except stinker head Frank ditched us, GOOBER!)

Our family went to Corey's mom's house and played crazy games with his side of the family. While we were playing crazy games I was just so grateful for God's wise plan of setting us up in families. People that you might not necessarily choose but that you are bonded to by the plan of family. And so you accept each other (ideally) and play together and go through life's ups and downs together.

When Corey and I first got married I was OVER THE MOON to become an Aunt. I had been terribly lonely for siblings (I have one) and for some reason being an Auntie was just a dream come true for me.


I remember like yesterday holding my nephew (the one my little kiddies are all over) as a baby.

His mom, my sister in law and friend Traci, allowed me to hold him all during present opening Christmas morning. He was two months old and he was the most beautiful baby. Soft fuzzy head of blond. His mom let me open one of his presents. I loved him. And now here he is a cute college student and a sweet heart to my kids.

It is so neat to see all my nieces and nephews growing up and adding their babies to the mix and I so enjoy the adults they are and they just add more blessing and fun to my life.

So here are the worst quality pictures ever but we played some crazy rhythm clapping game called Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Anyone every heard of it? My darlingest father in law taught it to us (below in the blue) and it was a crack up. We had to all clap and keep rhythm and keep track of numbers and names and move spots and it was funny. If you did it right you got faster and faster. At one point I felt like we were doing some sort of strange cultist chant because we were all chanting and keeping rhythm so intently! It was crazy! We did great that round and Dale was so very happy.

Ethan tolerated the little kids in his lap the whole time and included them in his turns. They so loved him.

All my kids so big!

Entertaining us with cup music.

New baby Addie with her Grandma Jann.

Macy and Bo. Two little technological geeks. It is just born in them I swear. Today Bo and Kate and I were being silly and recording our selves on Corey's work I pad and Bo literally had to work it for me.

We played pictionary, murder in the dark, some mystery game, and Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Fun night.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Christina said...Oh my heck! I swear my family was the only ones to ever play Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John! We used to play it for hours and hours! At the time, I had a crazy aunt, Edith who couldn't keep a rhythm without her tongue hanging out and we would get playing s fast she would literally fall off her seat. We would be laughing so hard it was hard to concentrate! Thanks for that memory! I am so going to pass it onto my siblings! Oh and murder in the dark was our other family fav on stormy nights!

Susan said...This was the first time we played it! my new fil introduced us to it. And I can't keep ryhtym! They kept trying to help me! It was so fun!!!

Christina said...Haahahah! I seriously teared up from laughing remembering this game! Hahahah, crazy old Edith!

Susan said...Good memories! Now you have to revise it at your next family get together. Teach it to the little kids.

Sherri said...Susan it was alot of fun the other night!! So fun to see the pictures of your wedding. Brought back so many memories. Loved seeing the pictures of Jessi, Josh, Allison, Ellie!!

Hello, my old friend.

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