Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Love me.

My friend Camy is helping to raise her step sons.  Sometimes when I hear or think negative things about evil step-moms I remember that my beautiful friend Camy is a step-mom. She has done a great job. I am certain they have blessed each other's lives.

And Brandon has blessed her children's lives as well. I once had someone ask me...."Whose kids are whose?" They couldn't tell. WHAT A COMPLIMENT to them!!!!

The youngest, Ethan who is 8, and Camy, really love each other. She helps him with his homework everyday and makes sure he does all the things he should do. She mothers him. And he knows it.

He left this on her door while she was out running errands.

When I read it I literally caught my breath in a giant gasp. A gasp mixed with how wonderfully sweet and almost beautifully sad it was in a way.

"I love you Camy, love me back. From Ethan"

Isn't that just what we all want? To be loved back?

We should do that for each other. We should love each other back. We need it don't you think? I need it.


 ....of Ethan to ask for it back. He trusts that mamma. If we were all so open. If it was always so safe to be that open.

I do this when I share pains with a friend. Please love me back. Don't reject me. Please think I am enough.

I do this when I have to tell Corey bad news....like the van died....again. Please love me back. Please don't stroke out. Please say it will work out.

I do this when I have to ask my dad if I can borrow his truck. For another week. Again. Please love me back. Please understand. Please know we are trying.

I did this on the first day of my job. Please love me back. Please accept me. Please see how scared I am.

My Rhett does this when he playfully slugs me a little too hard. Please love me back. Please think I'm funny. Please take time for me.

Katie does this when she crawls into a big sibling's lap. Please love me back. Please cuddle me. Please be kind to me.

I do this in Kristopher's office when I bear my soul to him. Please love me back. Please accept me. Please say I'm okay. Please don't betray my vulnerability.

I do this when I turn to Heavenly Father in prayer. Please love me back. Please hear me. Please please hear me. Please answer me.

Love me. Like me. Don't reject me. Don't have power over me. Let me be your equal. Help me. Please think I am enough. Please hear me. Please love me back.

If we notice we are all asking for love back.

I am learning that we need to have greater love for people. We don't need to judge them or be jealous of them or fix them or change them. We need to hear them. We need to accept them. We need to take time for them. We need to search for understanding of them, though their way may be different from our way. We need to see that they are on their life's journey the same way as we are on ours. And we all may be at different levels of this life's journey. But we are being taught according to the level we are on. We should love each other more on our journey's. We really should. That is what I am learning. I think it is because this year I so desperately needed it. And I was gifted it. And I am grateful. And now I want to give it back to others.

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Hello, my old friend.

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