Monday, July 8, 2013

A little trip to Yellowstone

So about four weeks ago Corey's family was visiting and we decided to do a quick run through Yellowstone. And I mean quick. But it was fun.

What was exciting was....WE ALL FIT IN OUR NEW VAN!!!!

I know this is ridiculous. But our new van is the FIRST car that our whole family can fit it. 

So it was so fun and exciting.

See me holding Bo's hands down? I constantly am having to confine the wild child. But look? He's happy!

So the happy thing about Yellowstone for me..... without fail...the Buffalo are always the greeters. And I love it. You can always count on them to be there. 

I love the buffalo. 

JUSTINE LOVES the buffalo! Holy cow! All that Dr. Quinn has really made Justine turn into a lover of all things Dr. Quinnish. Which include buffalo!

Look at that darling baby!!!! I love the mama right behind.

We were lucky to be trapped for a while. It was great!

Just playing around and having fun...

Grandma and her two grandsons Josh and Nathan

I love this boy so very much. He is just a lovey and a sweetie. He was hurt.

I love this picture. It is so beautiful to me. The long road.

The beautiful Grand Tetons!

All of us in our new van!

We brought Justine's movie player for for part of the ride. Justine and I loved watching Bo love on Nathan. The little kids just love him. He isn't perfect but he tolerates them very well for a 14 year old boy.

Justine was only like three days post surgery. She was such a trooper. We propted and iced her foot during the ride.

I love to take natural pictures like this. Corey hung back and walked with the slow poke.

Cousin Josh and Kate. Uh...Kate is a bit boy crazy. She loved Josh.

My cute FIL in the yellow shirt. Giving a tour guide to strangers. He knows a lot about this them here parts of the country.

Josh was so sweet to his cousin Justine. He pushed her without a moments hesitation. She was horrified because she hates to feel awkward. But he was sweet.

Yea....I missed old faithful. Total bummer. By like 5 minutes. I was in the bathroom. But this little thing kept going off and it was pretty good.


Corey's sister, Debbie, visiting.

I looked over and saw this most hilarious sight. Out of all the kids, Justine really loves the beautiful nature (That's for you Kirsten!). So Justine really wanted to see this waterfall but her foot was TIRED.
Corey decided to pack her on his back. But she couldn't jump to get up there so he had to wiggle her up. It was a riot.

We thought this picture was totally cool. It looked like it should be on the cover of a rock band...right? Do you see it? U2 or something?

Alrighty then. I have several posts to catch up on. So see you tomorrow!

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Hello, my old friend.

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